Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Saturday, December 8, 2018: (Immaculate Conception of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, in this Advent season you are celebrating My Immaculate Conception when I was given a soul without original sin. I was chosen by God apart from all women to be the Mother of my Son, Jesus. You read of Adam and Eve who committed the first sin. But I have become the new Eve without sin, and I am truly the Mother of all God’s children. You can imitate my life without sin and strive to stay close to my Son with a pure soul by Confession. You saw how the Angel Gabriel greeted me and awaited my fiat or ‘yes’ to being the Mother of God. The Holy Spirit conceived Jesus in my womb, and I bore Him on the first Christmas. You also saw a vision of my shrine that you visited in Guadalupe, Mexico. I am the woman dressed in the sun in the Book of Revelation. Give praise and thanks to God for all He has done for me, and His death on the cross to save all of mankind who accept Him. Go and spread His Good News to all those people who will accept Him in faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing My Blessed Mother pointing an arrow at Me. This is highlighting the expression ‘to Jesus through Mary’. My Blessed Mother followed My Will in all of her actions in her life. She lived truly in My Divine Will, even from her Immaculate Conception. My Blessed Mother’s life and Mine are examples for all of you to imitate. If the Lord asks you to do a special mission, be willing to give your own fiat as My Blessed Mother did. You all suffered a little in the cold, while you prayed your rosaries at the Shrine of Christ the King. My Blessed Mother and I were both pleased to accept your intentions for offering this up to us. You also were happy to visit with Alice and Fr. Fraats. I love all of you, and you proved your love for us by your faithfulness to My Shrine with your prayers.”
Source: ➥