Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Saturday, July 14, 2018: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing how I called My prophets and evangelists, and I prepared them with My angels to help save souls from hell. Then you saw in another vision where there was a huge pit of Gehenna, or hell with steep sides in a huge circle. The sides going down were moving as souls were falling into hell. You could see My servants reaching out to grab as many souls as possible to keep them from falling into hell. All souls, who go to hell, are choosing this destination of their own free will. Pray for all souls so they could be open to My saving grace to love Me. Those souls, who love Me and seek My forgiveness of their sins, will be saved in heaven. Avoid the demons and evil people, who can cause people with soul and body to fall into hell. Reach out to evangelize as many souls as you can, so you can keep them from going to hell. Pray especially for all of your family in persistent prayer, so they could wake up and be saved.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, by your Baptism you are called to be priest, prophet, and king. Because you are My people, and you are united with Me, you have inherited My gifts to share your faith with others. There are some of My special people who are called to be prophets, and they receive visions and messages like the prophet Amos in the first reading. There is a passage in (Amos 3:7) ‘Indeed the Lord God does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.’ You, My son, have been called to prepare My people for the coming tribulation. You know of the time of the Antichrist that is coming, and it has to happen because it is in the Scriptures. So prepare My people by telling them that it is important to come to frequent Confession, at least once a month. In this sacrament I can forgive your sins and restore your soul to when you were baptized with My grace. Keep your souls clean and ready for your judgment at your Warning and your death. Just as I called My apostles to go out two by two to evangelize the nations, so I am calling all of My baptized faithful to go out and convert souls, so they can receive the faith, and be saved from hell.”
Source: ➥