Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thursday, March 15, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish people in the desert waited a long time for Moses to bring down the Ten Commandments. During that time, they worshiped a golden calf, and God the Father was upset by their behavior. Moses stood in the breach to keep God the Father from consuming the depraved people. Moses divided the people between the believers and the non-believers. The evil ones were lost. In the Gospel I was giving testimony to My authority that was witnessed by St. John the Baptist and God the Father. I was telling them that if they could not obey the laws put down by Moses, how could they obey My new way of love? They could not understand that the love of God includes everyone, even their enemies. It is not easy to love everyone, but it is My call to be perfect as My heavenly Father is perfect. Trust in My words, because My words are true, and they will last forever.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are working hard on your penances for Lent, as your fasting between meals, and whatever you are giving up, such as desserts or watching TV. Since you may have some extra time, you could do some spiritual reading, some Bible study, or watching some movies about My life, or the Ten Commandments. Some people prefer reading, while others learn from spiritual movies. This is one more Lenten devotion that you could add to what you are doing during Lent. When you put extra effort into your Lent, you can help your soul throughout the whole year.”
Jesus said: “My people, those of you, who live in the Northern states, are receiving more cold and snow than usual. You especially are waiting for the snow to melt, and warmer temperatures of spring. As you pass March 20, you will soon see new life in your spring flowers. This is a pretty time in nature to hear the birds singing, and the beautiful spring flowers breaking through the soil. Enjoy every season, but it is time to say good-bye to the snow.”
Jesus said: “My refuge builders, I want you to use your alternative heaters when you will not have natural gas to heat your refuge. Your people will need warm clothes because the heat may not be coming evenly to all parts of your house. You will be using your kerosene heater and your fire place with an efficient insert in the chimney. You may need an electric heater in your basement where it would be harder to heat. Plan your meals and have a sign up sheet for your all night prayers.” Note: plan for the night of Mar 23 at 7:00 p.m to the next day.
Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a time to repent of your sins, and coming to Confession for My forgiveness, is a great time to have your souls cleansed of your sins. Take advantage of the extra Confession time to have your sins absolved by the priest. Make a good preparation before you enter the confessional. Be sure to pray your penance from the priest, and even do some extra prayers to help take away any bad habits. Work on avoiding occasions of sin for you. By coming close to Me in My sacraments, you can enrich your souls with My love and My graces.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your school shootings are tragic when young lives are taken by mentally ill gunmen. It is not just the weapons that are causing the killings, but it is the mentally ill people who are killing your children. There are many suggestions being made to help prevent these shootings. Pray for the deceased, and for the grieving families, as well as the fellow student survivors.”
Jesus said: “My people, Holy Week is a special time of Lent that leads up to Easter Sunday. My faithful should attend the Holy Week services, even if they take some time to be there. I died on the cross for your salvation, so walk with Me through the Stations and the Triduum services. Once Lent comes to an end, then you will be celebrating My Easter Sundays up until Pentecost. You also will have an opportunity for a plenary indulgence for making your Divine Mercy Novena that lasts from Good Friday until Mercy Sunday.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are approaching March 17 for St. Patrick’s day feast when people celebrate the wearing of the green. St. Patrick’s shamrock is a good reminder to honor the Blessed Trinity of Three Persons in one God. This feast is followed by St. Joseph’s feast on March 19. Many churches celebrate a St. Joseph’s table with all kinds of loaves of bread. These are two great saints to remember in this coming week. This also adds some special services for your Lenten weeks. I love when you honor My saints, and when you praise Me at Adoration.”
Source: ➥