Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, January 12, 2018
Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading the Israelites were calling on Samuel to give them a king, so they would have a leader to fight their battles, as other nations had kings. Then Samuel told them what it would cost to have a king, which amounted to a dictator. There is a lesson here for everyone because you need to be careful what you pray for and desire. Some people desire to be wealthy, so they work hard to accumulate money, and they make risky investments to make more money than they need. Once you have wealth, you are still not happy because money and things do not last, and they do not love you. It is only Me who you should trust in, because I will see to your needs, and I will give you peace and love which will satisfy your soul. You only need enough money to survive, and beyond that, such greed could harm your soul with evil desires. You cannot take money beyond the grave, and it will not get you into heaven. So strive to please Me in obeying My Commandments, and seek My forgiveness of your sins. Then you will have spiritual wealth that lasts, instead of physical wealth that will disappear.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother gave these words to the servants: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ This was when I called the servants to fill six large jars with water and take some to the head waiter. The head waiter remarked that the water made into wine was better than the first wine. This was the first of My miracles at the Wedding Feast at Cana. The words of My Blessed Mother could be applied to everyone. I am your Lord and Master, and I desire to save all souls, but some souls refuse to follow My ways, which are better than man’s ways. It is because of man’s pride that people refuse to follow My Commandments, and do not want to give up their will over to My Will. Even My heavenly Father told My apostles on Mt. Tabor to listen to Me. Those faithful, who follow My directions, are greatly rewarded for their efforts. When I call on people to help save souls, this is the most rewarding work you could accomplish. Those souls, who are saved through your work, are grateful for being saved from hell. I desire that all of My faithful would reach out to convert as many souls as they can. This is the most important work you could do for Me on earth.”
Source: ➥