Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sunday, January 7, 2018: (Epiphany)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these bells that are ringing, just as you had in one of your songs. The first ringing are the bells of joy as you read of the Magi bringing Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The second ringing of bells is at the church when it calls the people to come to Sunday Mass. It is sad for those people, who stopped coming to church on Sunday. They need to wake up, and listen to the bells and My call to return to church. The third ringing of bells are for the joy of your freedom in America, and your freedom to worship Me. Be joyful that you are not persecuted, as in atheistic communist countries. The fourth ringing of bells is the toll being rung on America for all of your abortions, sexual sins, and pornography. Because your nation is not repenting, or changing your Godless laws, you will be facing My justice as I bring My wrath of natural disasters upon you as your punishment. Repent of your sins, and pray for your country to come back to My laws, instead of man’s corrupt laws.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My feast day of the Epiphany, and the coming of the Magi with their kingly gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. You can bring your personal gifts to Me, and share what you have with the less fortunate. You are seeing a vision of a steam locomotive going down the track under full steam. This represents how I want all of My faithful to be working at a fever pitch to convert souls. Do not hesitate, but pray and work to save souls, especially in your own families. Even if people refuse to repent, you can pray for them persistently, and they could be saved. Do not give up on any soul, but trust Me to hear your prayers for the hard cases. It is the souls who go to hell, that do not have anyone praying for them.”
Source: ➥