Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Saturday, October 14, 2017:
God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is giving you this message. This message is all about how I understand suffering people. You remember when Moses was asking Me about the Hebrews who were suffering the slavery of the Egyptians. I knew their suffering because I know how every person suffers. I sent Moses as the ‘Deliverer’ for his people to be released from the Egyptians. So today, I see the people who are suffering death and the loss of their homes in the fires of California. I want My people to pray your Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the souls who have died in these fires. Also, pray for all the people who have lost their homes, and those who are suffering in breathing the smoke in this area. Have compassion as I do for these suffering people. You have seen one disaster after another in fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Your sins have brought many of these disasters upon your country, but you can still help these suffering people with your prayers and your donations. My Son, Jesus, suffered much for all of humanity on the Cross of Crucifixion. So My friends, you all have suffering in your lives, but I want you to realize that you can offer up your suffering to save souls. Do not waste your pain, and see that your suffering can be a blessing to unite your pain with Jesus on the Cross. Your suffering can then be changed into redemptive suffering to help save souls among your relatives and friends. So do not complain about your sufferings, but see them as opportunities of grace to help souls. Now you truly understand why My Son, Jesus, had to suffer on His cross to bring salvation to all the people who accept us into their lives.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you invite someone into your house, you are very careful to dust and polish everything so your house is presentable. When you go out socially, you are careful to groom yourself, and have presentable clothes. You clean the outside of your body, but you need to cleanse the inside of your soul even more. When you come to receive Me in Holy Communion, you are about to invite Me into the home of your soul. I am holy, and I expect My faithful to be holy and cleansed with Confession. So do not have any mortal sin on your soul. Do not receive Me in Holy Communion with mortal sin, or you will commit another mortal sin of sacrilege. In the Gospel you saw how the man, who was not dressed with a proper wedding garment, was tied and cast out into the dark. When you come to My Wedding Banquet at every Mass, you also need to have your soul dressed properly with a pure soul from Confession. Give praise and thanks to Me that you can receive My Real Presence in an intimate union with your soul. As was mentioned earlier, this Prayer house is truly a refuge as I have told you before. At one time you saw a stadium full of people coming to this refuge. Rejoice that the people of this area will be protected at this refuge by the angel’s invisible shield.”
Source: ➥