Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thursday, October 5, 2017: (Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos)
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of the Miracles of My Eucharist, when blood has appeared on consecrated Hosts. These miracles are performed to help the people to believe in My Real Presence in My consecrated Host and the consecrated Wine, that are transubstantiated into My very Body and Blood. You have this miracle performed at every Mass. So when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, you have My intimate Presence in your heart and soul. This truly is My real joy in your hearts. There are many trials in the world, but know that I have conquered death and sin with My death and Resurrection. So do not be fearful of the evil ones, but trust that I am always in full control of everything. I will only allow the evil ones to go so far, before I will stop them from harming your souls. When evil attacks, call on My power, and My angels will protect you. I will be victorious in the end, so be patient and endure the evil of the day with My graces that will sustain you. I love you so much, so trust in My power over all the evil ones.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, America’s forefathers have given you your Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and this is guarding your country’s freedoms. You still have ‘under God’ in your Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, and ‘In God We Trust’ is on your money. Many soldiers had to die to give you your freedoms of today. Keep praying for your country’s protection as My archangel St. Michael is watching over you.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of your football players have been kneeling instead of standing at attention when your national anthem was sung. When your President spoke out about criticizing these players for their disrespect for your country’s flag, then others were upset by his remarks. This is not the time to make political statements when you are respecting your country. Many soldiers have died for your freedom, so your people should respect the people who protect you.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen all the damage in Puerto Rico from hurricane Maria. There is very little electricity, and people are being asked to send donations for food and water to these people in need. This island government will need billions of dollars in aid to rebuild their infrastructure. There is much need to provide homes and remove any debris. Their crops have been badly damaged, and they are in need of imported food. Pray for these people and send what donations you can share.”
Jesus said: “My people, at first people donated heavily to help the flooded people in Texas. Then weeks later, you had another disaster in Florida that called for more donations. Now with a third hurricane disaster in Puerto Rico the donations are diminishing because of so many donations requested. These continuing storms are taking a toll on your people’s charity, and the destruction of so many homes. It is not easy for poorer places to rebuild and recover from such destruction. Even though it is harder to keep giving donations for so many places hit by hurricanes, think of how difficult it is to survive with little food and water. The more you give, the greater will be your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would see one event after another, and you have not seen the end of your storms. Your people need to be ready for more storms on your Southern coasts. Pray that these people will be spared any more deaths, and that the people will evacuate any dangerous spots on the coasts. See these trials as a result of your sins, and pray that the people will repent, and seek My forgiveness.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of death and destruction from your storms, and now the latest mass killing. If these events do not bring you to your knees in prayer, and you continue in your evil lifestyles, then you are calling down My wrath on your country. If you do not pray for forgiveness and change your ways, then you will see more such events until you will come begging Me to help you. Without prayer and My help, your destruction will get worse. Pray for a lessening of storms, and the stoppage of the evil killings that are going on. Pray also to stop your abortions and the killing of your older people.”
Source: ➥