Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, September 22, 2017
Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard in the first reading of St. Paul to Timothy how money is the root of all evil. Love of money or a sin of avarice can control people’s lives, if they allow it to be a god for them. Some money is needed to pay bills and to buy food for survival. When you desire money for buying things that you do not really need, or you accumulate money as a miser, or for power, then money will control you. In the beginning of the reading, it said that you came into this world without anything, and you will die, and leave this world without your money. There is another problem with money and power, where the rich people try to control people and governments with their wealth. Even money itself is manipulated in debts and interest. In your stock markets there is much greed, and swindling of the stockholders. You have seen how ‘debt’ money is made up in bonds and currency for control of your country’s finances through the bankers ‘Federal Reserve’. This is not part of your U.S. Treasury. When you had ‘free’ money not tied to debts, your country thrived even more. There are evil forces controlling your money, and people kill for money and steal money for their own gain. Trust in Me that I will provide for your needs, and do not worry about needing more money than is necessary.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are asking a difficult question, because I give everyone free will to choose to love Me or not. In the first place the youth of today have many distractions with their electronic devices. They are searching for love and peace from their soul, but they allow their addictions to hold them only at a worldly level. Your soul will only find true peace in Me, but many youth of today substitute a love of things in place of loving Me. A person first has to love themself and hold themself in high esteem. Then you are able to love others and possibly find a spouse to get married. Your love can then expand into the spiritual world in a desire to find love in Me. You need to be seeking My love to find Me, and when you do, you will find true peace. I have a mission for every soul, but until you are ready to give your life over to Me, it will be hard to fulfill My mission. Each soul must understand the need to want to know, love, and serve Me. Once you have a working love relationship with Me, then I can use you to spread My Gospel message to convert souls to the faith. The youth today can be led to Mass, but as they get older, they have to make a personal commitment to know and love Me. Your children need your persistent prayers to help save their souls. Give them your good example of Mass and prayers often. They need to see how you love them, and you are willing to help them in things of life, and encourage them to pray and come to Mass. Many souls are being lost because no one is praying for them. Tell your children that you love them so much that you are praying for them every day to save their souls. I hear your prayers and I will give your children every opportunity to be saved.”
Source: ➥