Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wednesday, August 16, 2017: (St. Stephen of Hungary)
Jesus said: “My people, the faith in My people is growing weak, even in America because they are not being attentive to their daily prayers. I love all of you every day, and I pray that you love Me every day also. Your daily prayers are like love notes to Me, so do not just come to Me for only one hour on Sunday. I am your God every day, so tell Me how much you love Me every day in your prayers. In the Gospel I told you where two or more are gathered in My Name, I am there in their midst. This is why you come to daily Mass and Adoration, so you can be with Me in the greatest prayer of all in the Mass. You pray for many intentions, but the most important intentions are to help save souls, especially in your own family. If you are persistent in praying for the souls of your family, you could help save their souls. Encourage your family and others to pray daily. They also need to come to Sunday Mass and monthly Confession. It is because people are praying less, that they are losing their faith all over your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, this fertile field with many crops reminds you of the time of Joseph when he saw in a dream when there would be seven years of plenty, and seven years of famine. This vision and dream are similar for now, because My people need to prepare your food for the coming world famine. You have three kinds of food stored at your refuge: dehydrated food that requires heat and water to reconstitute, meals ready to eat (MRE) that can be used any time, and your canned foods. This is why I have asked you to test how these foods could fit into your diet. Do not worry about having enough food for all of your people, because I will multiply what you have. You will have daily Holy Communion and deer will come into your camp for meat. Even though your refuge life will be difficult to adjust to, I assure you that you will not starve. Trust in Me for all of your needs.”
Source: ➥