Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, May 26, 2017
Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday, May 26, 2017: (St. Philip Neri)
Jesus said: “My people, yes, I am showering you with My many graces and blessings, but how many people are listening to Me to take advantage of these blessings? Those people, who are living in mortal sin, cannot receive My graces. How long do you expect Me to put up with all of your mortal sins? You have women and doctors killing a million babies a year with no remorse in your country. You have men living with men, and women living with women with homosexual acts that are an unnatural abomination. You have heterosexual couples living together in fornication without marriage. You have married couples using birth control devices and sterilizations. You have doctors killing older patients with euthanasia, even if it is against the law. You even have transgender people also defiling their bodies with even further abominations. These acts are all mortal sins, and need to be confessed in Confession before receiving Holy Communion. I told you that if you do not reverse your sinful Supreme Court decisions, then I will change them for you in My way. You are about to see My punishment against your country in bad natural disasters, wars, and further terrorist attacks. My Blessed Mother also told you, if you do not pray, repent, and change your ways, then there will be serious consequences that could annihilate countries. You had World War II, but now you are at the door of World War III.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a lot of people who will be lost to the Antichrist and his power to control souls. You have read several passages in the Bible where it says ‘Many are called, but few are chosen.’ The chosen are the faithful remnant who believe in Me and love Me. Unless a person is faithful, or they have a family member praying for them, they could be lost to the evil ones. This is why I will be sending My Warning experience to give every sinner one last chance to be saved. Fallen away baptized Catholics will have the better chance of being saved because they know their roots, and I will allow them to see how their sins are offending Me so much. You all have free will and I will not force My love on anyone. Keep praying for your family members, and they could be saved from hell. Those people, who choose to reject Me, and refuse to repent of their sins, are on a path to hell.”
Source: ➥