Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Saturday, May 20, 2017: (St. Bernardine of Sienna)
Jesus said: “My son, when you read about St. Paul and Barnabus traveling around on their evangelization mission, you can see the similarity to your own mission. In today’s reading St. Paul had a vision to go over to Macedonia to spread the Good News of My Resurrection, and he went there. I called on you, My son, to do My work and you agreed to follow Me wherever I led you. In the Gospel you also read how I have chosen you to follow Me, and I even gave you a personal invitation. You gave Me your ‘yes’, so I have enabled you to travel in good health, and with many angels for your protection. Bring My joyful Good News to the people, and inspire them to share My Word with others as well. When you come to Me at the end of your mission, I will show you all the people who I have allowed you to reach, and were saved by your evangelization efforts. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that you have accomplished.”
St. Therese said: “My son and daughter, thank you for all of your prayer requests when you pray my 24 Glory Be prayers for your family and friends. Just as Jesus told you that He likes your informal prayers from the heart, so I also love to hear your informal prayers as well. You are doing a great work for my Jesus in your traveling to various places for your talks. When you are out on these quiet farms, you hear the birds singing, and you try to do everything for my Jesus. You know about my ‘Little Way’ in how I offered every little thing in my life up to Jesus. This is how you should try to live as well, by not wasting your time, but think about how you can help people in your prayers and actions. You can see how many years have passed by already, and you see how short this life is. This is why you all will have to account for all the time that the Lord has given you. Make every moment count in your prayers, Masses, and your talks. The Lord wants you to share His messages, and even His miracles, as well as how He has helped you in all of your trials. The more you give Jesus the credit for all that He does for you, the more you please Him with your life. Confide in Jesus for all of your needs, and He will help you through everything. I love all of you, and you can talk to me anytime.”
Source: ➥