Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wednesday, May 10, 2017: (St. Damien)
Jesus said: “My son, you had a problem with your lawn mower not working, and it was difficult to start. In pulling the cord you strained your shoulder, but I told you not to worry, because I will heal it. Just have faith in My healing power, and you will be feeling better. You have also been tested with your cars, but you will resolve your problems. Each day everyone has to struggle with their daily trials, but I am always at your side to help you. Call on My help in your prayers, and I will help you work out your problems. In the first reading you are reading how My disciples worked with the Holy Spirit in spreading the faith and converting souls into My Church. In today’s world you are seeing the opposite, in that people are falling away from their former faith ways. My prayer warriors are being called to help re-convert the fallen away Catholics. You are seeing evil forces putting curses and spells on people. If the lukewarm people do not pray and come to Sunday Mass, then they will be drawn away to the world’s distractions and addictions. You need to pray deliverance prayers for these fallen away Catholics, to wake them up to how the devil is influencing them. If they listen to your suggestions, and you keep praying for them, then they have a chance to come back to Me. Do not give up on any soul, because all souls are worth saving.”
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are well aware that you are celebrating the hundredth anniversary of my messages given to the three children at Fatima. These messages were not just given for that time, but they apply to your time in the world, today. Many messages have been given, but they are not being heeded or taken seriously by your people. This is why I want you, my son, to research and find all of the messages that I gave to the children on the 13th of the month from May to October in 1917. Read them so you can see that they apply to your times, now. I thank your friends for sharing my message of preparing for some difficult times. My children need to pray their three rosaries and Divine Mercy Chaplet every day. Wear my scapular, and my rosary on your person. You can also carry a St. Benedict Blessed Cross to protect you from the spells and curses of the demons and evil people. Attending daily Mass and occasional Adoration can also help you. Coming to frequent Confession is also important to keep a pure soul. When you go out to evangelize people, you are re-enforcing my messages at Fatima to try and convert as many souls as possible. Continue to praise my Son, Jesus in all that He does for you.”
Source: ➥