Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Saturday, April 29, 2017: (St. Catherine of Sienna)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were in a boat and they were afraid of the storm all around them. I was on the shore, and I came to calm their fears by walking on the water. At first they thought I was a ghost, but then I called St. Peter to come to Me on the water. St. Peter started out toward Me by walking on the water, but then his faith faltered and he began to sink in the water. He called out to Me to save him, so I caught him by the hand, and I led him to safety. There is one lesson that I am always available to help you in your daily problems. Another lesson is to have faith in My help that I will rescue you out of any danger. I admonished St. Peter for his lack of faith, that he could have continued walking on the water. So it is for all of My people, in that you need to have more faith in Me to help you in all of your trials.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the parable about the wheat and the tares. The farmer planted wheat in his field, but the enemy planted weed seeds as well. When the wheat came up, the weeds came up as well. Instead of trying to pull out the weeds, the farmer allowed both to grow up together. This represents how I allow the good people to live along side of the evil people with a possibility of the good people saving the bad people. At the harvest I gather the wheat into My barn, but the tares or weeds are burned up in the fire. This represents how at the judgment, I will separate the good people from the evil people. The good people I will welcome into heaven, while the evil ones, who reject Me, will be cast into the flames of hell for all eternity. Keep praying constantly for your family members and you could help save their souls.”
Source: ➥