Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday, March 30, 2017:
Jesus said: “My people, during the Exodus of the Jewish people in the desert, it was hard to understand how they would have food and water. The people needed faith in Me as Moses struck the rock with his staff to produce water. They also had manna on the land, and they received quail at night for meat. While Moses took a long time to receive the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai, the people built a golden calf to worship instead of Me. There was a division in the people, and those people, who worshiped the golden calf, were slain. In your world today, you have people who are worshiping other idols than Me. People are worshiping idols of money, material things, and fame. Whenever you spend a long time on something other than Me, you are worshiping your addictions instead of Me. At times your entertainment, computers, drugs, smoking, or any other addictions are controlling you. You need to break away from these things, and let Me lead you in what you should do. You have many distractions in your world, but do not be a slave to them. Your place is to follow Me and worship only Me, instead of any earthly idols. When you worship such idols, you are sinning against My First Commandment, which says you are only to worship Me and no other false gods. By living your lives according to My Will and My ways, you will see that My ways are always better than man’s ways.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this is a second message about an important figure who will die soon. The empty outdoor white wicker chair was empty as a sign of a missing person. This second message is a confirmation of the first message. The time and identity will come as this event happens.”
Jesus said: “My people, you had some serious revelations at your recent conference. Those people, who have copies of the video, need to listen closely to what was said. Fr. Michel gave a good mission at Holy Spirit Church, and some interesting talks at your conference. Many people came and there were some healings when you were blessed by Fr. Michel. You all need to be thankful for Fr. Michel’s coming, as he touched and healed some souls of their problems. Pray for his mission and the success of his seminary and the seminarians.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a view of the stars in the heavens, because you may be able to see an unusual event with binoculars or a good telescope. This event will be a sign to you of one of My prophecies that I gave in previous messages. When you see this event in the sky, you will know of its significance.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is an ongoing war in the Middle East that is involving your troops, but the extent of your troop involvement is not being fully reported. There is an ongoing goal to take out the ISIS troops, and this effort is being stepped up. This is why more funds are being requested for your Defense Department. There is a planned build up of your Defense forces, which were badly depleted by your previous President. Pray for your country to be prepared for some future wars, and terrorist activity.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a large spike on a seismograph is a warning of a coming severe earthquake that could take some lives. You have been having reparation Masses for the victims of natural disasters who will not have any time to prepare for their judgment before Me. Your Masses will help these souls who will be in dire need of your help. When people are killed suddenly in natural disasters, be ready to pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet for these souls. Any severe disaster could affect your people in the rest of your country. Keep praying and offering Masses for these victims.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some significant testing of missiles in both North Korea and Iran. This is presenting a nuclear threat to North Korea’s neighbors and Israel. Such testing could lead to another war with possible pre-emptive strikes against these rogue countries. Pray for peace, but the devil is stirring up trouble in these areas.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a surge in the buying of rifles, hand guns, and the ammunition. Your country is becoming an armed camp because of the many divisions and terrorist attacks. People want to defend themselves at their homes. Your current President is defending the right to bear arms, but these weapons could be used if there was a revolution between your divided people. Pray that such an internal struggle does not happen, because it could result in a takeover of your country. When your lives are in danger, I will call My faithful to My refuges.”
Source: ➥