Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017: (St. Frances of Rome)
Jesus said: “My son, in today’s Gospel it says to seek Me and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. When you had the bad wind storm, you were praying that your house would not get damaged, and you would keep your power on. You prayed the ‘storm prayer’ in your ‘Pieta’ prayer book, as well as your rosaries. I heard your prayers, and your house was spared. Now, you can pray your prayers of thanksgiving, and for all the thousands of people who do not have power. (100,000 without power, 81 mph wind) There are many people who do not have generators for keeping their burners working for heat, and they will be suffering from the cold until power can be restored. Trust in Me and your neighbors to help these people.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you had high winds on Monday and Tuesday. Now that the high winds have stopped, you are working to clear the branches and fallen trees. Many people are realizing that it could take days to restore electricity to everyone. Those people, who have power, could help the people without power by letting them stay in their warm houses, and helping them with fuel and light. You could also pray for the safety of the crews that are working on the downed power lines. Pray also for those who are cold and victims of this storm.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you lose power, people may lose the food in their refrigerators and freezers. You may help people by giving them prepared food, as some soup, vegetables, and fruits. People also need some form of light if they are staying in their cold homes. They may need some oil lamps and wind-up flashlights. In addition to your prayers, you could reach out to help your neighbors as much as you can.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how all of your refuge preparations could help people heat their cold homes. You have used wood in your fireplaces with your branches and newspapers to get the fire started. You have used your kerosene burners to heat your house, but it takes care not to spill the kerosene fuel. You also need a source of kerosene. Some people have used propane or natural gas heaters, but care is needed in handling gas fuels. You can help people when you have burners, and fuel available. Be thankful if you have power, and be thankful that you could help people.”
Jesus said: “My people, your present Obamacare health plan was failing badly, as the premiums and deductibles were too expensive, and the insurers were backing out because there were not enough young people signing on that paid premiums. The old system became an entitlement that your country could not afford. You have too many with free health care, and not enough people and employers paying in. Removing the mandates and penalties is a fairer system. Pray that your new health care program will be more affordable.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President has finally received approval for most of his cabinet members. He is just starting out, but the one world people are doing everything to try and stop him. Your President needs your prayers and your support to restore your country to a republic and away from atheistic socialism without Me. Your country needs to repent of your sins, and call on My help with your problems. You have heard your President say ‘God bless America’, so he needs your support.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been working on your Lenten devotions and penances for over a week into Lent. It is good to see if you are still able to keep up with your initial intentions. Are you fasting between meals? Are you still avoiding sweets and desserts, or whatever penance you chose? All of your fasting and penances are to help you resist the devil’s temptations and control your body’s desires. So the benefit of your suffering will help your spiritual life. If you stopped your devotions, or you did not start any extra penance, you can still start again. Use this Lenten time for your spiritual cleansing of your bad habits. I love all of you and I thank you for trying to come closer to Me in all of your Lenten attempts.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of your people spend a lot of time watching movies and television programs. Those people, without power, are being tested with less TV time. Even if you have power, you could limit your TV time to 1-2 hours, so you would have more time to be with Me in prayer and in Adoration of My Eucharist. Time is precious and you will have to make an accounting of how you spent your time at your judgment. So make a plan this Lent to spend your time wisely with Me more than with your worldly distractions. Work on detaching yourself from any of your addictions that are controlling you. By letting Me lead you in your life’s plan, you can come closer to following a good Christian life in following My Will.”
Source: ➥