Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, February 17, 2017
Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017: (Seven Holy Founders of Servite Order)
Jesus said: “My people, in the early years people wanted to make a name for themselves, so they built a great Tower of Babel. I did not approve of what they were doing, so I brought different languages upon man so they were spread all over the world in confusion. Sometimes you see man’s pride also in all of the skyscrapers that he builds in his cities. You are even seeing the devil’s confusion that he brings upon you from your greed and pride. In the Gospel I am giving you some Lenten thoughts, when I tell My faithful that they need to pick up their crosses of life and carry them for love of Me. I carried My cross to Calvary, and all of you must accept the crosses of life and bear them as your commitment for life. You all face the many trials of life, but bear them for love of Me, and you could gain merits for your suffering. Man is tested by greed to have ownership of this world’s goods of cars, houses, riches, and fame. Do not just seek these things for your own selfish motives, but seek what will help your souls get to heaven. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but he loses his soul in the process? Your goal should be to strive to have a pure soul with frequent Confession and good deeds, so you will be worthy of coming to heaven. Gaining heaven for your soul is far more valuable than all the riches of this world that are passing away. Your soul lives on forever, so do not get taken up with things that will pass away. Seek eternal life of love and peace with Me, and you will be completely satisfied.”
For Don’s foot and health problems: Jesus said: “My people, in order to have a healing, you need Don to have faith that I can heal his foot. It would also be good to have someone or a group of believers pray over him where they also have faith in My healing power. You could also pray the St. Therese Novena for nine days with your twenty-four ‘Glory Be’ prayers. You do not want to see Don lose his foot, so you have to be sincere in your prayers.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have given you messages of how My angels are going to protect your refuge and other refuges with an invisible shield, so the evil ones could not see you. This protection would extend to the borders of your property. I am showing you this white Light because your refuge will be expanded to hold more people than the original forty people, that you were asked to prepare for. The larger refuges will have a white luminous cross in the sky that people will be healed when they look upon it in faith. This luminous cross is the white Light that will be in the sky over your refuge. Be thankful that you will be blessed with this healing miracle. You are noticing how often the sump pump in your new basement is going on at this time of year when your yard is moist. If you unplug this pump, you could bail out plenty of wash water for cleaning clothes, dishes, and sponge baths. You do have a small spring in your backyard that you may be able to use as a shallow well for your water needs. Have trust in Me that I will provide for multiplying your water, food, and fuels for the survival of your people.”
Source: ➥