Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thursday, January 5, 2017: (St. John Neumann)
Jesus said: “My people, My angels were always around Me when I was on the earth as a God-man. They supported Me many times, especially in My agony in the Garden of Gethsemene. They ascended with Me in My Ascension into heaven. Even now, My angels are present at Mass, and around My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration and in My tabernacles. You remember how Carol’s father also saw the souls being ushered by angels going down into the newly conceived babies, and other angels ushering the deceased souls to their judgment before Me. My angels also usher souls to heaven from purgatory, and some who come directly to heaven from their earthly lives.”
(Adam Andresky’s Funeral Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you heard some beautiful words about Adam in his eulogy, and he was thankful for that kindness. He passed early in the morning, as many people would like that choice. He was a great family man, and he cared and loved all of his family. He is united with his wife in heaven with this Mass. He is grateful for all the family’s help in his later years. He will be praying for all of his family, and he will be watching over them. He was sorry that he did not say good-bye in person, but he loves all of you so much.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a few more earthquakes than normal that are occurring along the Pacific Rim. Some of your earthquakes have been a result of your fracking for oil and gas. This may not be a good practice in areas that are susceptible to earthquakes. It is hard to warn people about earthquakes, because they are very unpredictable. Because several areas are long overdue, it is possible that you could be on the verge of some serious earthquakes.”
Jesus said: “My people, this program of your Health Care was forced on your people with penalties if you did not join. It is impossible to try to have your government pay for everyone’s health care. This was later revealed as a tax by your Supreme Court, and it was never proposed this way when it was passed. It was intended to fail by its planners, so single payer socialist medicine could replace it. It is failing because not enough people joined, and insurance companies were backing out of these exchanges. Many people are paying huge premiums with higher deductibles that are becoming a burden to finance. The incoming Administration is being saddled with a losing program that is impossible to implement, and some people could lose their coverages. Pray that a better program could be phased in.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of many issues that were debated in your election. It will be difficult to handle immigration, and an increase in defense spending, and still keep your deficits from expanding. As you see budget proposals debated, there will be many debates over what budgets get cut, and what budgets are increased. Your Congress will have to make some hard decisions for how you are to carry on with your country’s needs. Pray that your leaders can make some compromises that are best for your people.”
Jesus said: “My people, your new Administration is trying to reduce corporate taxes so corporations can justify keeping jobs in your country. It is hard to force companies not to out source, unless they can make savings on taxes. There are still questions on how lower taxes will affect your deficits. By allowing your companies to have a fairer playing field with other countries, then they could compete with more jobs staying in your country. Pray for your new Administration to help your businesses to succeed in providing more good paying jobs.”
Jesus said: “My people, financing your National Debt will become harder to finance, especially if your deficits continue. Your deficit of payments from more imports coming in than exports going out, is draining capital out from your country that cannot be sustained. Unless these financial problems are turned around, your country is headed into bankruptcy and a crash of your dollar. Pray that your leaders can change these trends, or you could see some major financial disasters.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been enjoying the beauty of this Christmas Season. Once you celebrate the Magi on the Epiphany, many will start putting away their Christmas lights and decorations. This Season will end with the celebration of My Baptism by St. John the Baptist. Christmas is a joyful Season as you shared gifts of love among your family and friends. You will return to your Ordinary Season, and later on your Season of Lent will begin. Every Season has its own beauty, even though you repeat the same themes every year. Rejoice while you still have your decorations to enjoy.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your faithful are eager to come to the Right to Life March on January 27 as you protest your abortion decision at your Supreme Court. You will be getting more support from a President who will support your cause. You could also see some help in choosing a new conservative Supreme Court justice to fill the current vacancy. If your Supreme Court can change some of your abortion and other decisions, you could ease some of your sinful laws that are pulling your country down. Pray for a good Supreme Court justice to put Me back further into your public lives.”
Source: ➥