Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Saturday, December 17, 2016:
Jesus said: “My people, you believe that I created the earth and the rest of the universe according to the Book of Genesis. There are some people who believe in the big bang theory, but it does not explain where all the hydrogen came from to make up the stars. I am the First Cause of everything. In today’s Gospel reading you are seeing My genealogy from Abraham down to St. Joseph according to St. Matthew. In St. Luke’s Gospel you see all the generations from St. Joseph down to Adam, the first man, who I created. You have also seen Darwin’s theory of evolution, but there is no way that mutations can change the chromosome counts. If evolution was true, you would still be seeing changes in the animals. But there are no leaps in chromosome counts, because I created everything from the beginning. Scientists, who promote these theories, are mostly atheists who do not believe in My existence. I am still providing miracles for you every day in your births, where I create the life spirit in the soul of every baby at conception. There are so many things that man does not know about life, and when you cannot explain something in reality, you develop strange theories that have no proof. This is why you call the big bang and evolution theories because there is no proof. My believers understand that I am their Creator, and I am worthy of their thanks and their love for creating them. I love all of mankind and all of My creations, because you are My sons and daughters that I love enough to die for on My cross.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are seeing a prophesy of My coming that was given by King Ahaz when he said: ‘A virgin shall conceive a son, and His Name will be called Emmanuel.’ In the Gospel you are seeing a dilemma for St. Joseph when he saw his betrothed was with child. He was going to quietly divorce her, but the angel came to him in a dream to say that it was by the power of the Holy Spirit that I was conceived in My Blessed Mother’s womb. The angel urged him to take Mary into his home, which he did. St. Joseph was to be My foster father to protect our family. Rejoice in My plan of salvation, which I offer to all the people.”
Jesus said: “My people, the manna of the Israelites in the desert was a prefigure of My Eucharist that I share with all of you at Mass, and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I died for all of you on Mt. Calvary, and I share My love with you in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. When you look upon My Host in the monstrance, you can feel My love that I am sharing with each of you. When you come to Mass and Adoration, you are seeking the One you love in Me. You should share this faith and love of Me with those people who do not know Me. Love needs to be shared to be fully appreciated. When you love Me and your neighbor as yourself, you are living My Commandments that were meant to guide you to Me. Keep close to Me with a pure soul by frequent Confession, and you will enjoy My love constantly.”
Source: ➥