Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016: (St. Issac Joques & companions)
Jesus said: “My son, you are very familiar with these North American martyrs, because you have felt the presence of these martyrs at Auriesville and at Midland in Canada. Several times you walked the trail of the martyrs at Midland to the three crosses. You read how these martyrs were brutally killed by the Indians. They were able to evangelize some of the Indians, and these martyrs were some of the first missionaries to America. Truly all the blood of these martyrs were the seeds of faith for your people. For many years you have been able to share your faith in public, but soon you will see all Christians being persecuted by Muslims and the one world people. You will be seeing more movement to a one world religion that is being promoted by Satan. I do not want My people to compromise any of My teachings, just to please other people in their religion or atheist practices. I am the foundation for the Catholic Church, and it will prevail against the gates of hell in My faithful remnant. There is a split in My Church between the schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will teach heresies, lies, and New Age, which I want My faithful to avoid. This schismatic church will control all of the churches, and My faithful will need to have a proper Mass and prayer in the homes, and eventually at My refuges. Be prepared to be martyrs for your faith in Me, if you are chosen to be persecuted for Me. Never deny Me even in public, and you will have your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people of America, you have an important choice coming in choosing your election for President. Some of your issues are very clear. Do you want a President who favors killing My babies, or one who treats life as precious? Do want a socialist government that takes away your rights, or a Democratic Republic that protects your rights? Do you want a government that doubles your National Debt continued, or a change in spending? Do you want your electricity cut off or lessened because some people do not want coal, which is providing 30% of your power? You have a country of laws, but your President is not enforcing them. Do you want a President who supports the one world people’s agenda against America, or a President who stands up against these evil ones? When all of your votes are counted, the people will get who they voted for. If your government does not fight against abortion, gay marriage, and euthanasia, your country will suffer under the weight of your sins. You will see a takeover of your country and many disasters, if you do not repent of your sins, and change your evil laws. Your people are bringing down My justice upon them for not obeying My Commandments.”
Source: ➥