Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016: (St. John XXIII)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a ship being launched at sea, represents how each of you are placed on the sea of life. When you are at sea, you are at the mercy of the waves which are stirred up by storms. This is the ups and downs of life when you suffer trials, as in the storms. At times you seek the harbor of My grace so you can be protected from the storms of life. You also seek My direction in which way to follow Me. If you listen to My words, I will give you direction to follow My ways in life. In the Gospel the Pharisees followed all of their traditions on the outside, but I was looking into their hearts on the inside. Their intentions were not to worship Me, but what they could gain for themselves. I was telling them that it is more important to love Me and love their neighbor. You can show your love for Me by sharing alms for the support of My Church, and donations to your neighbor. This sharing with alms is an outward sign in how you can thank Me for all the gifts that I give to you every day. If all of the people loved each other as I desire, you would not have wars, disagreements, or grudges of hate or unforgiveness. When you worship Me and pray to Me daily in your prayers, you are uniting your heart with Mine in all that you do.”
Jesus said: “My people, Hurricane Matthew will be remembered a long time for all the damage and the lives that were lost. The destruction of buildings, work places, and flood damage has taken its toll on the people, who have lost their homes, their jobs, as well as some who lost their lives. I am merciful in granting forgiveness to the repentant sinners. But America is calling down My justice for your many abortions, gay marriages, and even killing of older people with euthanasia. What is most offensive is that you have laws, or Supreme Court decisions that are legalizing these evils in your society. Each year the evils of your society are getting worse, instead of better, so I am allowing these disasters as a punishment for your nation’s sins. If your people do not repent and change their ways, then you will see a takeover of your country, and you will lose your freedoms. Pray for a spiritual revival of America, or you will be brought to your knees as the Roman Empire collapsed from its decadence.”
Source: ➥