Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother loves Me dearly, both as her Son, and as the Son of God. She had many sorrows throughout her life, but the hardest suffering was when I suffered and died on the cross. She knew of My mission that I had to die for the salvation of all souls, but it was still painful to see the way that I was mistreated and crucified. At the foot of the cross I gave My Blessed Mother over to St. John to be the mother of all of My faithful. I said to St. John: ‘Behold your mother’, and to My Blessed Mother: ‘Behold your son.’ All mothers love their children, and they would also suffer if they lost a son. You, My son, lost an infant boy, and it was a suffering to see him die so young. So when you have pain, or are suffering for your children’s problems, you can call on My Blessed Mother as your intercessor for prayer, because she is very sympathetic for your suffering. She loves all of you as her children, and she will support you in your sorrows.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in the vision you are seeing just one of My sufferings with the crown of thorns. My Blessed Mother had to suffer the sorrow of seeing Me crucified. I had a price to pay for all of your souls, and I gave up My life for all of you, so you all could live in faith. In another way, every soul has to count the cost of being one of My disciples. You need to die to self, so I can be the Master of your life. By giving your will over to Me, you can fulfill the mission I have for you.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know there are some former military people, who may want to fight the evil ones with weapons. It is My wish that you rely more on the power of My angels so you do not have to kill anyone. When the men in black are about to come to your houses, I will warn you to leave like I warned St. Joseph to flee to Egypt with My Blessed Mother and Me. Your guardian angels will lead you to My refuges, and they will put a shield of invisibility around you so the evil ones cannot see you.”
Jesus said: “My people, this miracle of raising you up into the sky is My way of protecting My people from being killed by the Comet of Chastisement, which will be My victory over the evil ones. At that time all of the evil angels and evil people will be cast into hell. I will then bring My people into My Era of Peace as you will see My victory.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My refuge builders to prepare buildings with bedding, food, water, and fuels. It is not easy to make all of these preparations. Some of My people have been gifted with donations that provided the money to buy what is needed. All of My refuges will be guarded by My angels to protect the refuges from bombs and weapons of the evil ones. Only those people, who have My mark on their foreheads, will be allowed into My refuges. So put your full trust in Me, and I will protect you, and provide what you need.”
Jesus said: “My people, this is how you will have to put every refuge together, by working as a group to finish each of your projects. Once you are called to My refuges during the tribulation, you all will be working together for your survival. Everyone will be assigned jobs to help the common good at your refuge community. Be ready to do the jobs you can to contribute what you know to help everyone. You will see miracles of My angel protection, and I will multiply your water, food, beds, and fuels for your living accommodations. You will also be given daily Holy Communion by a priest or by My angels.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are nearing another election, that could involve an incident to cause a martial law takeover. You could see a financial crash that would close your banks, and you will see your electricity turned off purposely to control your people. Most people do not have food and water to sustain them for a long duration. This is how the one world people want to reduce the population, because many people could die of starvation. Once mandatory chips in the body and martial law is declared, this will be the time to come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, do not be fearful of the tribulation and the trials that are coming. I will bring My Warning to help save souls who want to repent. I will warn My faithful with an inner locution when it will be time to seek My safe havens. Some people, who remain in their homes could be captured and martyred. So leave quickly when I warn you, and you will be protected. You trust in Me to help you every day, but the coming trials of tribulation will test your endurance. So have full trust in where I will lead you, and you will be under My protective wings of My angels.”
Source: ➥