Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Saturday, July 9, 2016: (St. Augustine & Chinese companions)
Jesus said: “My people, the early Jewish prophets were sent out by Me to instruct the people and encourage them to stop worshiping pagan gods, and repent of their sins. You have read how Isaiah was purified by an ember from the altar that was placed on his lips. He was then sent out to proclaim My Word. All of My faithful are called as priests, prophets, and kings by your Baptism and Confirmation. It is everyone’s calling to convert those people who do not know Me, and re-convert the fallen away Catholics. I have also called special faithful to share My prophetic Word as a preparation for the evil of the coming tribulation. My son, you have been sent out to also prepare the people for the coming Warning experience which will be like a near death experience in a review of your life. Just as Isaiah was purified by the angel touching a red hot ember to his lips, so My people need to confess their sins frequently in Confession to purify their souls. At the Warning some people will be awakened from their spiritual laziness by seeing a mini-judgment to hell. When they see hell and how they have offended Me in their sins, they will be eager to seek My forgiveness in Confession and change their lives. If the people do not improve their lives when they are placed back into their bodies, then their final judgment would be their mini-judgment. Take advantage of this opportunity for all sinners to repent and be saved.”
Jesus said: “My people, the one world people will try to keep your President in power through martial law. He is doing everything to disarm your citizens and your military. He is making laws by his edicts, or he secretly does what he wants. He is secretly bringing in Muslim Syrian immigrants at night for votes and possible terrorists to cause a martial law takeover. The opposing party cannot pass legislation past the Senate filibuster or cloture, or your President’s veto. He is secretly encouraging race disruptions so he can declare martial law. Everything is being done to prevent any Republican candidate from being President. Even if you have a revolt over a martial law takeover, the foreign troops will take you over. Be prepared to come to My refuges for your protection. You will have to be patient until My victory will come over the evil ones. Evil will reign for a short time, and then I will cast all the evil ones into hell. Trust in My victory, but evil will get worse first. At the end of the tribulation, I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”
Source: ➥