Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday, March 6, 2016: (Laetare Sunday, 4th Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the story of the Prodigal Son who returned to his father to ask his father’s forgiveness. This story represents how I am waiting for sinners to return to Me for forgiveness as well, in Confession. I see into your hearts, and I know who is sincerely sorry for their sins, and who is not. In order to confess your sins, you need to put aside your pride, which the devil uses against you to keep you away from Confession. You need to be humble to admit your sins and mistakes in your actions, and confess them to the priest. When you realize how you offend Me with your sins, you need to seek My mercy to forgive you. When I see your change in life to follow My laws, all of heaven rejoices as I welcome you back to My graces. This rejoicing at sinners who repent, is in keeping with Laetare Sunday, which means rejoice Sunday in the middle of Lent. When people are contrite and sorry for their sins, they also rejoice when they leave the confessional with absolution of their sins. You have a fresh, clean soul that is full of My sanctifying grace, and you are prepared to receive Me in Holy Communion. The sacrament of Reconciliation is always available on Saturdays with the priest in the confessional, and some priests even have Confession before or after Mass. This week your Diocese has an all day opportunity for Confession on Wednesday. To keep your soul clean, you should confess your sins at least once a month. I am happy when My priests encourage people to come to Confession. You see yourself how few people come to Confession when you go on Saturday. If the people are not taught the necessity for confessing their sins, then few people will attend. You should confess mortal sins as quickly as possible, but you need to confess venial sins as well. You also receive the grace of the sacrament of Reconciliation every time you confess your sins. Rejoice in My love and continue to keep our love relationship open with frequent Confession. When you live in mortal sin, your soul is dead to Me without any grace. So confess your sin, and be clean as the leper was healed of his leprosy. By keeping your soul clean, you can avoid any possibility of being lost in hell in mortal sin.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know of a lot of alcoholics that do not want to believe they have a drinking problem, and instead they try to hide it. They are only kidding themselves, as they are ruining their bodies. They also seek ways to buy more of the alcohol that they constantly crave. This addiction is hard to heal, and the person has to choose to stop, in order to get better. It also takes prayer and a request from Me to get rid of the demon that is attached to this addiction. It is only by accepting treatment, and a desire to change one’s life, that a person could stop their drinking habit. If they refuse to take any treatment to detoxify their body, they will succumb to their habit. Alcohol can destroy a person’s life, and affect the family members as well. Pray that these alcoholics will see My Light, and change their lives.”
Source: ➥