Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015: (Pope Gregory the Great)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in the Scriptures how some of My followers were called by Me with various miracles. In today’s Gospel you are seeing a miraculous catch of many fish that was a call to mission for St. Peter, St. John, and St. James. St. Paul was thrown from his horse and a great light blinded him, as I asked him ‘Why he was persecuting Me?’ Other disciples were called without such miracles, but still they responded by following Me without questioning their call. You, My son, also had a miracle conversion of your computer addiction as you answered ‘yes’ to your mission of spreading My Word. Now, you are being called to a second mission of preparing an interim refuge with another ‘yes’ without question. You have seen many confirmations of small miracles to convince you of My call, and now answering My second request, has come normally as you are committed to do My Will. Once you are focused on Me in your Mass and daily prayers, doing My Will comes as a natural response. It is this natural response to My Word that orders all of My creation. I have given mankind a free will to obey Me or not. But once you have been given a gift of faith, your obedience is expected. Whenever you answer My call to a mission, you will receive the grace to endure any obstacles to your mission. The devil will try to distract you, and take your focus off of Me, but I will not leave My faithful as orphans, even if I need to send you My angels to fight your battles. Trust in Me to help you in all of your missions, so you can carry out My plan for your life.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I told you that there would be a major event this fall. You could see a serious missile attack against your country in five of your cities. The terrorists, who attacked you before in 2001, have access to more sophisticated weapons, and they prefer to attack multiple cities. These missiles are being launched by sleeper cells of ISIS in various parts of your country. It will be hard to prevent such an attack. Pray for My help in any recovery from such an attack.”
Jesus said: “My people, one of the coming factors in when you will leave for My refuges is a coming declaration of martial law. The one world people are planning a takeover of America with martial law that will result from a bankruptcy, a pandemic virus, and terrorist activities. With these events happening, it will give your President an opportunity to declare martial law. My faithful will be at My refuges when this occurs.”
Jesus said: “My people, before the major events threaten your lives, I will send everyone their Warning experience. This illumination of conscience will show each person a life review and a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. This will happen to everyone at the same time outside of your body, and outside of time. You will have six weeks of time for conversions to change your lives. Be thankful that I will allow all sinners an opportunity to repent of their sins and convert their lives. This will be the best opportunity to save souls who love Me and want to accept Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, after My Warning experience, I will send all of My faithful an interior message of when it is time to leave for My refuges. I will warn you before martial law occurs so you can leave your homes before the men in black start coming to your houses to kill My believers. The Warning is your sign that the major events are about to happen. Once I warn you, call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. Do not delay in leaving, or you could be captured and martyred. Call on Me to keep you calm, as your angels will make you invisible to your enemies.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My refuge builders to be ready to receive My faithful into their safe havens. You will need to counsel these people who will be frightened by the threats to their lives. My refuges will be protected by My angels who will only allow people with crosses on their foreheads to enter. You will have food, water, fuel, and bedding multiplied so each person will have their own place. You will have daily Holy Communion, and perpetual Adoration at every refuge.”
Jesus said: “My people, some refuges may have electricity from solar cells or generators, but most refuges will be using oil lamps for light, and crude cooking devices. My faithful will be thankful to My refuge builders for providing them a safe haven to live. My angels will shield you from the evil ones, and they will multiply all that you will need to survive. Each person will be working together for cooking, washing clothes, securing food, and contributing their talents.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have called some of My faithful to help establish interim and final refuges so My faithful have a safe place to stay during the tribulation. Not everyone has answered ‘yes’, but I am thanking those people who have made this commitment. You may not realize how much work goes into preparing a refuge. I have asked My builders to have extra food and water that can be multiplied to feed the faithful who come. These builders need to make an effort to supply bedding with bunk beds, cots, and sleeping blankets. These things will also be multiplied if necessary. Trust in Me and I will provide the funding for your refuges. You will need the people, who come, to help you with supplying the food, water, beds, and hygiene supplies to everyone. Each refuge will be a loving community that will work as a team in prayer and helping your neighbor to survive.”
Source: ➥