Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015: (St. Pontian & St. Hippolytus)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land across the Jordan River. He assured the people that God was with them, when the Ark of the Covenant was placed in the Jordan River. The flow of the river was miraculously stopped. The people walked across on dry land, even as they walked across the Red Sea on dry land. This reminded the people of how they were saved from the Egyptians. Even so, God protected them from the other people on the land by helping to fight the Israelites’ battles. These accounts of the Israelites being protected, are also a sign of how I will protect My faithful in the coming tribulation. Some of My faithful will be martyred for their faith, but the rest will be protected by My angels at My refuges. You will not have to fight your persecutors of the one world people, because My angels will put an invisible shield around you. My angels will not allow people to enter into My refuges unless they have a cross on their foreheads. This is why your family members need to be converted after the Warning, or they could be lost to the Antichrist. Trust in Me to provide for your protection, and what you need to survive this trial.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing people getting sick more frequently, and for longer times to get better. There are several causes. More people have poor immune systems because your food is not as nutritious as in the past. You are seeing more drug resistant strains of bacteria like MRSA, that have learned to fight your modern antibiotics. Even the chemtrails are spreading diseases from the sky. I have advised people to build up their immune systems with Hawthorn herb pills, along with your vitamins and herbs. At My refuges you can be healed of diseases by looking on My luminous cross or drinking from the healing spring water.”
Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges I am encouraging My leaders to have two sources of fuel for heating and for cooking. Some have wood, kerosene, propane, or natural gas. I will multiply your fuels so you can keep warm and cook your meals. Whatever food items you have stored, I will preserve them so they do not go bad, and they can be multiplied. It is not easy to find fresh food for a lot of people, so I will send deer into your camps for meat. Trust in Me and My angels to provide food and water for your body. I will also provide you My Eucharist so you can have My spiritual food as well.”
Jesus said: “My son, every time you travel to give talks, you need to pray your St. Michael long form prayer for your protection because the devil tries to prevent your coming. Keep calm in your travel trials, and even pray on your return as well. When you travel, you are joining a network of My faithful, so they can keep in touch with each other. As you prepare for some coming events, keep praying for poor sinners and for the souls in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, in these end times, it is your rosaries and My sacraments that will be your best weapons against the evil ones of this age. Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament will continue at the homes, once your churches are closed. My angels will provide the consecrated Hosts when they are needed. You will have strength with My Real Presence among you. You could even survive on My Hosts if you did not have any food. You will have healing at My refuges with My luminous cross or your healing spring water. Trust in My protection, and how I will multiply your food.”
Jesus said: “My people, do not be fearful of the one world people who want to crash your financial system and take over your government. These evil ones are trying to control you with chips in your charge cards, your passports, and even your driver’s licenses. Eventually, they will make chips in the body mandatory. At that point My people will need to come to My refuges so you do not have to take chips in the body that could control your free will. At My refuges you will have everything provided, so you will not need money or guns.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you come to My refuges, I will not leave you orphans, and I truly will be performing miracles. Once people see such miracles, My faithful will relax in My hands and be calm. You need to be living in full trust of Me in providing for your survival. Your invisible shields will be another sign of My help. Have confidence in My help because I know all of your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know you will be suffering many trials in the coming tribulation. I will never test you beyond your endurance, so you can trust that I will give you the grace needed to get through your trials. You will be tested for less than 3½ years, but this time will be shortened as I will shorten your actual days by speeding up the earth on its axis. I will be with you always in My Blessed Sacrament, and My angels will protect you from any of the evil ones who are trying to kill you. At the end of the tribulation, I will send My Comet of Chastisement that will cleanse the world of all the evil ones who will be cast into hell. Rejoice, My faithful, for your reward on earth and heaven will be more than you can imagine.”
Source: ➥