Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015: (Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Anthony)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are sharing a special feast of my Immaculate Heart as I love all of you as my own Son, Jesus. I bring you to my Son in all that I do. I give Him all of your petitions as an intercessor. The feast of our Two Hearts shows you how close I am to my Son. This church is named for my Sorrows, and today’s Gospel about losing my Son for three days, is one of those sorrows. As all mothers know, not finding your son among a lot of people can be trying, and even traumatic. I pondered the words of Jesus in my heart when He said that He must be doing His Father’s work. At age twelve, I did not know that He would be starting His ministry. I realized later the mystery of His true mission in His offering of His life for all the sins of mankind. We love all of our children, and we want you to encourage souls to love us as well. Remember to pray your rosaries every day, and pray for the saving of souls in the world, and the souls in purgatory.”
(4:00 p.m Mass) Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading, and in the Gospel, there is mention about the mystery of My creation in how crops grow with the right fertilizer, the seed, water, the sun, and good soil. It is the grace of crops that give you your food to eat and survive. There was another parable when an enemy sowed weed seeds with the planted wheat. When the wheat grew up, so the weeds showed as well. Instead of pulling up the weeds and destroying some wheat, the master allowed both to grow until the harvest. At the harvest, the weeds were gathered and were thrown into the fire, but the wheat was gathered into My barn. In life you also see the good and evil people living together until the judgment of souls. At the judgment, the evil souls will be gathered and cast into the eternal fires of hell. My faithful souls will also be gathered with Me into heaven as their reward for believing in Me and seeking My forgiveness. There are other parallels when you compare good and bad trees by their fruit. The good tree bears good fruit, as a faithful person will have many good deeds to show for their time on earth. The bad tree bears bad fruit, and it is not worth eating, much like the evil people who have only evil deeds to show for their life. There will be a judgment for all souls, and it will be your actions and deeds that will determine your eternal destination. Trust in My words and follow My Commandments, and your reward will be great in heaven.”
Source: ➥