Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday, May 28, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you take your sight for granted, but imagine if you were the blind man, as in today’s Gospel. Bartimeus had faith that I could heal him, so I answered his request in allowing him to see. You may see physical things clearly, but sometimes people are spiritually blind because they do not believe in Me by faith. Faith is a gift, and when it is granted, truly that person will now see with the eyes of faith. When you believe in Me, you know that I can do the impossible by man’s limitations. Open your eyes and hearts, because I can answer all of your requests in whatever is best for your soul. You know how much I love you, and My faithful want to share My love with those who need to be converted or re-converted. The Holy Spirit will give you His gifts to help speak the words which are needed to bring people to believe in Me. Rejoice in My love, and rejoice in sharing My love with others. Every soul that you bring to Me in evangelization, is one more soul who will be saved from hell.”
Prayer Group:
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the God of love, and you have just celebrated My feast day on Pentecost Sunday. I have asked you to have a picture of a Dove over Jesus in His Baptism, and a scene of the tongues of fire over Jesus’ disciples. These images of a dove and the tongues of fire, help you to understand My Presence in My gifts. I thank you for answering My request. You have the three Archangels displayed on the altar, and now you have the Three representations of the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. Jesus is seen in the Divine Mercy picture. God the Father is represented in the scene at Mt. Tabor. The Eternal Father is also the name of your prayer group. Now, you have My representation in the Baptism of Jesus, and in My descent upon the disciples as tongues of fire.”
Jesus said: “My people, some churches are very plain, and you do not always find a large crucifix, or My tabernacle in plain sight. The statues and pictures of the saints help you to remember their lives, as they are models to live your own lives. Many people pray the rosary, and special prayers to their favorite saints. Keep close to Me and live holy lives, as My saints have done.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have many beautiful traditions that make you feel that you are in a real church. My first tradition is that you know that I am Present in My Hosts in My tabernacle. It is My Real Presence that sets your Roman Catholic churches apart from other churches because of My Blessed Sacrament in your tabernacles. Another tradition is to have a large crucifix on your altars so you never forget how much I love you by dying on the cross for your sins. Some churches have statues of Myself, My Blessed Mother, and St. Joseph to remember the Holy Family. You may also see other saints that may be the namesake of that church. You should see confessionals where you can come to the priests for the sacrament of Reconciliation, which you should visit at least once a month. It is your many traditions that keep you close to Me in your faith in My love.”
Jesus said: “My people, this season of Ordinary time is a long time until you get ready for Advent. During Lent you were fasting and giving alms along with your penances. You can fast and give alms throughout the year so you do not grow cold in your faith to Me. The feast days and the various holy seasons give you more to think about in your daily walk in faith. This is why I do not want you to grow complacent in your faith during this long time of Ordinary time. Keep close to Me in frequent Mass, daily prayers, and monthly Confession. By keeping Me at the center of your lives, you will be more focused on doing everything for Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad for Me to see so many of My people receiving Holy Communion when they have mortal sin on their souls. These are sacrilegious receptions of My Host, and these people are adding more sin to their souls. I am happy that people are coming to church, but they need to examine their consciences and come to Confession if they are committing mortal sin. There are many couples who are not married, and still they live a life of sin in fornicating. Other people are sinning in adultery, and even using birth control devices, vasectomies, or tubal ligations. People need to learn their faith in what the Church teaches about sexual sins. These sins bring more souls to hell than any other sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing some actions that are stirring up racial tensions, and even terrorist activities designed for a takeover of America. Various government preparations for martial law are giving signs of their coming intentions. Even as the evil ones prepare for a takeover, I am having My refuge builders prepare for when you will need to come to My safe havens during the tribulation. These builders are storing up food, water, and bedding for when these things will be multiplied for those who come to My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to remain in a state of readiness for so many years when nothing is happening right now. You remember when someone asked if the Warning was ever going to happen. My answer was ‘Believe it’. I do not give dates of these things, but you can read the signs of the times as evil is getting worse. You know that only by My Divine intervention will man ever change his heart. My Warning is getting close, even though you have heard these words for some time. The evil ones are planning for a martial law, but it will not happen until My Warning gives everyone one last opportunity to be saved.”
Source: ➥