Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just read in the Acts of the Apostles how St. Peter and St. John were put in prison for speaking about Me in curing the crippled man. I had My angel miraculously free them so they could teach in the Temple. The Jewish leaders imprisoned them again, and later had them beaten. This is how much these leaders tried to keep the apostles from spreading My Good News of salvation. My Church survived this persecution, even until today. As the time of tribulation approaches, you will see more severe Christian persecutions, as you are seeing Christians beheaded in Arab countries. This is why I am having My faithful build refuges of protection for My people. You are one of these builders, as you see in the vision all of the things that are needed. You will need an altar, a lectern, some chairs, and some stands. You may also want some prayer books and song books for the people. I will advise you on your needs, once your building is completed. Be patient and have faith in how My angels will protect you, and provide for your needs and the needs of the people who will come.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you some rustic scenes because many of My rural refuges are accessed by dirt roads. You have seen many refuges in person that are off dirt roads. When you come to most of My refuges, they may not be modern looking, but they will be practical to house and feed My faithful. As more people come, it may be necessary for My angels to build more buildings, or add floors to existing buildings. My angels will put up an invisible shield around My refuges to protect My people from the evil ones, and the angels will only allow people in who have crosses on their foreheads. My refuge builders and My angels will supply the food, water, and bedding to accommodate the faithful people who will be led to both My interim and final refuges. The final refuges will have a luminous cross to heal people of their infirmities. The interim refuges will have healing springs of water, or holy water to heal people. All of My refuges will have daily Holy Communion from a priest, or from My angels. This Holy Communion will be used for perpetual Adoration for everyone to take turns in their holy hours around the clock. I will be with you always, so trust in My love and protection that I will take care of My faithful. Some may be martyred, but they will become instant saints.”
Source: ➥