Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Saturday, April 11, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, I appeared to Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb, and she brought word that she had seen Me to My disciples, but they refused to believe her. St. Peter and St. John had viewed the empty tomb, and they believed that I had resurrected. Later, I appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and I revealed Myself to them in the breaking of the bread. These two disciples also told My apostles that they had seen Me, but still My apostles did not believe that I appeared to the two. When I appeared to all of My apostles, they finally believed in My Resurrection in the flesh. I chastised My apostles for their disbelief in Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. The apostles needed to be more open to believe in My rising from the dead. In the vision of the closed triptych, this also is reminding My faithful to be more open to things until they have all the facts on something. My Resurrection is a miracle, and My faithful need to proclaim it to all the nations, even as I sent My apostles out after they received the Holy Spirit.”
(4:00 p.m. Mass) Jesus said: “My people, when I appeared before My apostles with My wounds in My hands, feet, and My side, they all were incredulous with joy to see that I defeated sin and death. This was a joyful moment for all of them, except St. Thomas was not present. At another time I came again, and I had St. Thomas put his finger into the wounds in My hands and side. St. Thomas said the words that you say when the consecrated Host is raised: ‘My Lord and My God.’ I told him that he believed because he could see Me and touch Me, but blessed are those people who believe in Me by faith without seeing Me. Many of the apostles did not believe at first, so they could not criticize St. Thomas for their own doubts. My appearances to My disciples made it clear to them that now they had to go out and proclaim My Resurrection to all the nations.”
Source: ➥