Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, just as I sent My apostles out to evangelize souls, so I send out My faithful to evangelize souls as well. When you go out to give talks, My son, you also travel light with one bag for your clothes, and one bag for My messages. When you are invited, there are people who put you up in their homes, and they feed you your meals. They even take up collections for gas when you are driving, and plane tickets when you are flying someplace. It is good to wear your sacramentals and shake holy water or blessed salt in your vehicles for protection from the evil ones. You pray the St. Michael prayer before traveling back and forth. Keep praying for your safety, and have people pray for you as well. You know the evil one tries to discourage you, and block your visits. You are in a battle with good and evil, so work to save as many souls as you can.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are some increased air attacks against ISIS because of some of the brutal executions of ISIS’ hostages. Jordan has threatened all out war, but no one is committing troops on the ground to root ISIS out of its conquests. Again there is little military aid being given to those forces that would be fighting ISIS. You are also seeing Russian rebel troops taking over more territory in the Ukraine. It is the same story. Everyone decries Russia’s takeover, but no one is coming forward with military aid to help the Ukrainian people. Pray for peace in these areas, but as long as these forces see little opposition, they will continue their conquests.”
Jesus said: “My people, some people are now questioning the religious terrorism of the ISIS forces because they are defying human respect for prisoners, and their religious fervor is being questioned. Some extreme Muslims believe in killing infidels and any enemy that fights them. These people are not showing love for anyone, and their motives are becoming suspect. Pray for them to change their vicious desire to kill people.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing jet engine problems and storms that have brought down several airplanes. It is up to the companies maintaining these planes to see that they are airworthy. There also is little protocol on when planes should turn back from heavy storms that cannot be avoided by flying around or over the storms. Since many lives are at stake, these pilots need more guidance in making safe decisions. Pray for the safe travel of your airplane flights all over the world.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just seen two heavy snowstorms back to back, and now you may be facing another storm. You are also seeing some unusually cold temperatures as well. This winter is causing many problems for everyone, as you are being forced to stay inside more until this weather breaks. Just keeping your driveways clear has been a consistent problem. Pray for your people to find the strength to persevere through all of your cold and snow.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a great hate for Christians being demonstrated in Arab countries when machetes are used to butcher My followers. These killings are motivated from a Satanic source more than just persecution. It is not normal for one religious group to try and exterminate another religious group. This hate has a Satanic origin for many extreme terrorists who are driven to such killings. So you are in a battle of good and evil, and I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you are seeing more evil forces attacking your families, you are seeing a breakdown in the family as evidenced in your sinful lifestyles. Because evil and sin are becoming rampant in your society, you are seeing an increase in the numbers of people who worship Satan and are participating in occult meetings, and New Age workshops. This is why I am calling My faithful to pray more deliverance prayers for your family members and relatives, who have fallen away from Sunday Mass and My sacraments.”
Jesus said: “My people, as Lent will be coming in a few weeks, you need to strengthen your spiritual lives with more prayer and fasting. At times the cold, snowy winter may put you in a bad mood that could easily lead to depression. You have Me with you at all times, so you should be more joyful as a Christian who loves Me and your neighbors. Do not let your job situations or the weather get you down, but use your prayer life to lift up your spirits over your daily problems. This world is passing away, so your main focus should be on your future life with Me in heaven. When you are down, call on Me, and I will send you My angels to protect you and give you the grace to carry on with your life in joy and not sadness.”
Source: ➥