Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday, January 13, 2015:
Jesus said: “My people, everyone has a God-given physical appearance, but it is vanity to desire to look younger than you are, as you grow older. Be content with your present appearance after you have washed and taken care of your normal hygiene. Also, do not put on airs that you are someone of greater riches or fame. The worldly people seek these things, but it is the inner appearance of your soul’s condition that is more important to Me. You remember when I criticized the Pharisees for their enhanced appearance and their looking for places of honor at banquets and in the Temple. I told them how they looked good on the outside, but inside they appeared as dead man’s bones. Focus more on keeping your soul pure with prayer and frequent Confession. Seek to present a beautiful soul to Me, and do not concern yourselves with beauty, riches, and fame of the body that are fleeting and will pass away. But your soul lives on forever, and you should be more concerned about your soul’s destination to heaven. I love all of My people, and I call all of you to seek My love in heaven over all of your earthly desires.”
Jesus said: “My people, praying for the conversion of poor sinners is one of your best prayers to save souls from hell. In the Pieta prayer book you have the St. Bridget prayers for a year for your family members. You also have the twenty-four Glory Be Novena to St. Therese for prayer intentions like the new chapel. Then there are the three beautiful prayers for someone who is dying. These devotions are all trusting in My mercy to save souls. I hear all of your prayers, and I answer them for what is best for the souls who are being prayed for. Do not forget your daily rosaries, which are your best weapons against the evil ones. I keep stressing the importance of prayer to counteract all the sins in your world. The saving of souls is also the greatest reason that I died on the cross to give souls an opportunity to be saved from hell, and come to heaven one day.”
Source: ➥