Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, November 25, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you read of the widow placing her few coins into the Temple treasury. I remarked how she put in all that she had, while the others put in more from their surplus wealth. There are some people who are wealthy in this world’s goods, but they are poor in their spiritual wealth. Also, there are some who are rich in My spiritual gifts, but they may be poor in worldly wealth. You would rather be blessed more in spiritual gifts and treasures in heaven, than in earthly things. Where your treasure lies, so lies your heart. If your treasure is in Me in My Blessed Sacrament, then your heart is with Me. If your treasure is in worldly riches, then your heart may be in your money. Those, who put worldly things before Me, could be losing their soul, if they do not change their ways. Do not put false gods before Me, because you should be putting Me first in your life. You were seeing a stairway to heaven like Jacob’s ladder. You are struggling to get close to Me, so keep your focus on Me in all that you do out of love for Me and your neighbor.”
Source: ➥