Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, October 4, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013: (St. Francis of Assisi)
St. Francis said: “My dear little ones, you have read my story in how I gave up my family’s wealth so I could be totally dependent on the Lord in directing my life in what to do. You are familiar with the order of Franciscan priests, and nuns in the cloister. You even have the Third Order Franciscans who are lay people working in the world for Jesus. I offered everything up to Jesus, even as I had the pain of the stigmata in my hands, feet, side, and head. You also have shared my stories in Assisi where I loved God’s creations and the birds and animals. I even desired penance of throwing myself into the thorns of the roses, but the thorns fell off. Today, the roses in my garden do not have thorns. I gave myself to pray much, and I encouraged my followers to adopt my ways of complete surrender to Jesus. I encourage all of God’s people to pray daily, and keep close to Jesus in the Mass and in frequent Confession. I am happy to see that my orders of priests and nuns have remained vigilant to my example. When you love Jesus, He will pour out His blessings on all of your activities.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing more demons being unleashed against your country, which explains why so much evil is increasing every day. Most of your people are living in sinful lifestyles. Some are living together in fornication, while others are living in homosexual relationships. You are seeing millions of abortions and some acts of euthanasia. When your government’s laws sanction these evils, this is why your punishment is at the door. You will see a division in My Church with a schismatic church teaching New Age. There will be mandatory chips in the body where those, who refuse them, will be killed. You need to call on Me to have Me send down My holy angels to defend you from the demons, and from the evil ones who want to kill you. Before martial law is declared, I will warn My faithful when it is time to pack up and leave for My refuges. Your guardian angels will shield you on your way to My refuges. Trust in My protection from the demons, since evil will have a short reign before I will bring My victory over them. Then I will cast all the evil ones into hell.”
Source: ➥