Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013: (Queenship of Blessed Virgin Mary)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you see Me tell a parable of a king inviting his people to come to a wedding feast for his son. But many people refused to come, and they killed his servants. The king sent his troops to kill these evil ones, and he burned their cities. Then people were invited to fill the banquet hall from off the street. One person did not have a wedding garment on, so he was bound and cast outside. I am the son in the parable. My heavenly Father is the king. The wedding feast is heaven where I am inviting the people to come. I am being married to My bride which represents My Church. Not all of the people accepted My invitation, so the evil people were cast into hell represented in the burning of the cities. Another scene is when the servants were asked to go out into the streets to fill My banquet hall with guests. This could be likened to My Warning experience. The first invitation was during life before the Warning. The second invitation is more direct to everyone in the world when the people will see their illumination of their conscience in their life review. After the life review, the people will be shown their mini-judgment, and given a taste of their soul’s destination. People will then be placed back in their bodies with an opportunity to change their lives. If some people refuse to accept Me, they will meet the same judgment of being cast into hell. If the rest accept Me and love Me and their neighbor, they will be welcomed into My wedding feast of heaven. For many are called, but few are chosen. After the Warning, I will be preparing refuges for My faithful to come and be protected by My angels. This will involve people accepting My call to come to My refuges by leaving their homes, and following their guardian angels to the nearest refuge. By putting your full trust in Me, you will be healed both in body and soul. I will protect My people from the Antichrist, and I will bring them into My Era of Peace, and later into My wedding feast of heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there are many souls suffering their purification in purgatory. Some are suffering in flames, while others are suffering not being able to see Me. Some of these souls could be in your extended family that you could be praying for. In this experience of purgatory you could hear the cries of these souls for prayers so they could be released into heaven. You also could hear the whispers of many souls asking for your help. You had a flashback of hearing Eugene plea for prayers to Sondra Abrahams over the phone. The voice sounded like this soul was in desperation to give a physical sign for prayers. This intention of praying for the souls in purgatory is one of the main intentions that My Blessed Mother has asked you to pray for with your rosaries.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have read several books on the souls in purgatory. One book was ‘Get Us Out of Here’ and another book was the ‘Manuscript on Purgatory’. These details from the souls in purgatory are showing you how much they suffer, and how they want to help save souls who are still alive on earth. Some souls are given the opportunity to give signs to their living relatives, so they can have their family pray for them. Having Masses said for your deceased members is the best help that you could give them. Keep praying every day for the souls in purgatory, especially for those in your own family.”
Jesus said: “My people, every soul chooses its own destination by the actions of its life. You can pray for sinners so they will be open to choosing to love Me. Each soul at its judgment time, has one last chance to say ‘yes’ to Me in repentance of its sins. In order to come to heaven, each soul has to come through Me. If that soul does not love Me or know Me, then the soul could be judged to hell. You need to establish a personal love relationship with Me in all that you do. By loving Me and doing good deeds for your neighbor, you can be on the right road to heaven, with little purification needed in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know from St. John’s Gospel that I am the Word of God, and I am the Light that disperses the darkness of evil. When you mention My Name, or call on Me to send you My angels, then you will see the demons scatter. Many people who are dying, see Me and My saints coming to take them home. Some souls have seen Me in near death experiences, and their lives were changed to be more holy in life. Learn from these experiences of such people so you can prepare yourselves for your own judgment by loving Me and loving your neighbor. This is how you will be tested at your judgment, when I will ask you if you loved Me and how did you help your neighbor. My Warning will prepare many souls for their particular judgment.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know that all of you are sinners, but My faithful know enough to come to Me in frequent Confession to keep their souls cleansed of sin. My faithful need to reach out to sinners not only in prayer, but even to invite souls back to Me in faith by encouraging them to not live in sinful lifestyles. I am advising you that a man and a woman should be married in order to have proper relations. Even if your family members are living together with their lovers, you need to witness your faith by encouraging them to get married, instead of living in sin. Tell your family that you love them, and you are helping them because you do not want to see their souls lost in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are living in an evil age with may evils trying to bring you down. The morals of your society are so depraved that you need daily prayers and Mass just to help defend yourselves from these temptations of the devil. Now, more than ever, you need to invite Me into your life every day to help you in your trials. Without asking for My help, you could be swept away by the demons with a number of addictions. Keep close to Me in your daily consecration so I can guard your soul from the demons.”
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear prayer group members, I thank you for praying my rosaries, and I will give your petitions to my Son, Jesus. I especially want to thank and encourage Queenship Publishing to continue with their good work for heaven. I hear their daily prayers, and I will bless them in their work to save souls. They can help to spread the Good News of my Son’s love in all the books that they publish and sell to the people. I will pray for all of them to have the strength and success to carry on their work of sharing the message of loving my Son and your neighbor.”
Source: ➥