Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, July 29, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013: (St. Martha)
Jesus said: “My people, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus were good friends of Mine on earth, and now in heaven. St. Martha was known for her hospitality and her concern for her brother, Lazarus. She had sent word to Me to come and heal her sick brother. I purposely delayed as I had a greater intention to raise him from the dead. At Lazarus’s death I returned to their house, and I wept at his tomb. When St. Martha greeted Me, I told her that I was the ‘Resurrection and the Life’. She believed that her brother would be raised up in his body on the last day of judgment, and she believed that I was the Christ, the Son of God. She had great faith in Me and My mission to save the world from its sins. Later, I brought Lazarus forth from the tomb, and I raised him from the dead. This was a great miracle to many Jews who were converting to My way. The Jewish leaders were threatened by My healings and the raising of Lazarus from the dead, so they even wanted to kill both of us. St. Martha is a great saint of faith to imitate with her hospitality of helping people.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of both the Vatican and the White House means there is going to be a clash of the Church with your government. One of the disagreements is over the mandate of forcing Christian organizations to hand out pills or other means to prevent conception. Forcing people to do things against their religious practices, is the test of your country’s freedom of religion. There are other places where people can buy these things without this mandate on everyone. Hospitals have already had to choose between closing or allowing abortions. Your hate crimes also are restricting free speech to speak about sexual sins. You have many ways that the Ten Commandments and prayer have been forbidden in public buildings. Your implementation of your Health Care Law will present more conflicts between the Church and your government. One strong concern is forcing people to take chips in the body, when they could control your mind and free will. When chips in the body become mandatory, I have warned My faithful that it will be time to go to My refuges. Those people, who refuse chips in the body, could face martyrdom if they are captured. This is why I am providing safe havens to protect My people from the evil one world murderers. America is on the verge of a Godless government that is trying to remove all roots of worshiping Me. This take over of your government is another time to leave for My refuges. The atheists and the New Age people will usher in the Antichrist, but this reign will be brief before they will all be cast into hell. Have patience at My refuges before I will bring My people into My Era of Peace.”
Source: ➥