Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013: (St. Camillus de Lellis)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you several situations as on a bicycle built for two and five people rowing a boat, where you have to work together for a common goal. It is easier to get some work done when you work together instead of just as individuals. This is true in both small and large businesses, and in many of your farming jobs. This concept of working together can also apply to spiritual efforts as well. Your priests can work with deacons and other priests to provide for the needs of your parishes both for Mass and helping with My sacraments. The priests also need help from My faithful in teaching the faith to the children and converting souls by evangelization. You can even work with Me in helping to bring My Word to those who have not been evangelized. People need to be invited to your church congregations so they can be a part of My Body of souls. When you pray together, you multiply your prayers for your intentions. I have formed My Church around My apostles, the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, priests, and deacons. This hierarchy was established so you could have the proper interpretation of the Scriptures, and to have the authority of My hand in My Church’s formation. I continue to encourage My faithful to speak out with one voice so the confusion of Satan does not upset My Church’s teachings.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you this scene of a sanctuary lamp that has been emphasized with a large pedestal. According to tradition, when a flame is lit in the red sanctuary lamp, this is a sign that I am truly present in the Hosts inside the tabernacle. For those, who believe in My Real Presence, the red light means that you should genuflect when you come into church and when you leave the church. This gives reverence to My Real Presence in My Hosts. When the priest consecrates the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, you should be kneeling to acknowledge My presence on the altar. It is My Real Presence that you are visiting when you come in front of My tabernacle.”
Jesus said: “My people, the initial blame for looking at the Tea Party for tax exemption restrictions fell on lower agents in Cincinnati, Ohio. The testimony by these agents appears to point more of the blame on Washington, D.C. for holding up any approvals until after the elections were over. This political intimidation by the IRS is causing a bad appearance for the current Administration. These scandals have caused people to be suspicious of the intentions of their government. Pray for your representatives that they hold their ethics on a higher plane, because they should be representing the people more than their own political ambitions.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Federal Reserve is exploiting their power to hold interest rates near zero by buying $85 billion per month of long term Treasury Notes. This expansion of the money supply could cause inflation to go up, and they are controlling all of your properties by buying up your mortgages with unbacked Treasury Bonds printed out of thin air. Any threat to remove this stimulus has sent the stock market and bond prices on a steep decline. Such control over your economy by these central bankers goes way beyond their function of financing the debts of your government. Your people need to have your Congress take back control of your money from this Federal Reserve before they crash your economy.”
Jesus said: “My people, every church that closes, is one less place where My sacraments are being distributed. Each parish represents the spiritual life of the people that come to that parish church. I have given enough vocations for men to come to the priesthood. The problem is that those who control who can go to a seminary, are restricting this process to limit the number of priests on purpose for various agendas. If you properly encourage priestly vocations, you would not be closing churches because there would be enough priests available. Please pray for those controlling the number of seminarians, so the people could have their sacramental needs fulfilled.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are all aware of how a tribulation time is coming when the Antichrist will be allowed a brief reign over the earth. I have asked some people to prepare refuges as safe havens where My faithful could be protected from the evil ones who want to kill My faithful. My angels will defend all of My refuges with domes of an invisible shield. My angels will also not permit any evil ones to enter or attack My refuges. Do not test My angels because you have seen in the Scriptures how one angel can slay 185,000 soldiers in a short time. Trust in My protection to protect your souls, even if some of My faithful are martyred. I will be the victor in the end over all of the evil ones, so bear your trials and persecution for now.”
Jesus said: “My people, each season has been testing your comfort levels in various ways. This summer has set many heat records with high temperatures and fires in places. Your heavy rain is now giving way to summer drought conditions. People need to look out for each other to avoid heat strokes. Pray for some moderate weather to relieve some of these extremes.”
Source: ➥