Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013: (St. Henry)
Jesus said: “My people, when you were a child, you used to save your coins in a piggy bank or a small treasure box. You may even have some precious jewelry that you keep in a safe or a jewelry box. You usually have a special place where you keep other valuables. In a spiritual way, you all have a heavenly treasure box where I store your tears for Me, your good deeds, and all of your prayer intentions. I see what intentions that you have in your hearts whether good or bad. I am looking for your love, and any ways that you show it both for Me and for your neighbors. When you come to Me in judgment at your death, it is only your actions in life that you will have in your hands. This is when I will open your treasure box, so all that you stored there during your life can be used to offset your sins. It is then when My justice will settle accounts for all that you did. Some souls will be judged to hell or purgatory, and only a few souls will come directly to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, earth and its civilizations are unique to the universe because you have Satan and his demons here taunting you with their temptations. You are seeing your very existence on earth as living in a particular slice of time because your lifetimes are not much more than a hundred years. With Adam’s sin, all of his descendants have inherited a tendency to sin. This is why I came in another slice of time as a man so I could sacrifice My life for your salvation. Every soul has been made in My image with a free will that can love Me or reject Me. You can see in the angels how some rejected Me and some remained loyal to My authority. Hell was made as a punishment for the bad angels in the fires inside of the earth. These demons are still roaming the earth in search of destroying souls. I have given you each a guardian angel and My sacraments to guide you to heaven, but I do not force My love on you. The faithful who come to heaven have endured the human condition of pain and temptations from the devil. Every day you are tested with temptations and trials. You are very much dependent on Me for everything that you have in this life. Listen to My call of love to follow Me as one of My disciples. If you love Me, you will also share My love with your neighbors so they can be converted to the faith. Stay close to Me in your daily prayers, the Mass, and My sacraments, and you will be strengthened to resist the devil’s temptations. You have bodily desires, but allow your soul to have control over them so you can give your will over to loving Me.”
Source: ➥