Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been born into this world, but I do not want you to be ‘of’ this world. Those, who seek the things of this world for its own sake, are letting themselves belong to this world instead of belonging to Me. This vision of a pool of water represents how some people are drowning in this world of sins and possessions. I want to save all of you from the world’s calling, so you can follow My calling to a higher spiritual life. I truly want My faithful to develop a personal relationship with Me so they can follow My Will in leading their lives. Once you do not want to offend Me with sin, you will desire heavenly things more than earthly things. Do not allow anything or a desire to control you, so you can give your full attention to following My way to eternal life in heaven. By keeping your soul pure out of love for Me, and sharing your faith with your neighbor, then you will be worthy to be with Me forever in heaven. I love all of you, and I want to save all souls from drowning in the evil of this world.”
Jesus said: “My people, at Benediction services you see the priest use the incense to honor My Blessed Sacrament, and he blesses you with the Host in the monstrance. My Eucharist is My most precious gift to you because I give Myself to you in the consecrated Host. When you receive Me in Holy Communion, you have an intimate moment with Me in your soul. This experience gives you the grace of My sacrament as I heal you of any damage done by your sins. I am always present to you in My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance and in My tabernacle. When you come to adore Me at your holy hour, you receive graces for your visit, and I hear your prayer requests. Every time that you adore Me, make a point to spend at least five minutes in silent contemplative prayer with total focus on Me without any distractions. It is then that I can speak to your heart and give you direction for your soul. You are at this site that honors My Blessed Mother where a visionary had an apparition and messages of confirmation that My Blessed Mother is watching over this land. Give thanks to Me and My Blessed Mother for the blessings over this land.”
Source: ➥