Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013: (Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have two names for this Sunday because the people at first greeted Me into Jerusalem with palms. Then when evil had its hour, the Jewish leaders gave Me over to Pilate and the Romans, claiming I was a blasphemer. From then on, now you are reading about My passion, and how I was scourged and crucified on the cross. Passion Sunday is a long reading, but it is important to notice the details of how St. Peter denied Me three times, and how Judas betrayed Me with a kiss. Both were in remorse for their actions, but St. Peter repented, while Judas hung himself. My apostles were frightened by all of these events, and they hid in the upper room for fear of their lives. They did not realize how I would truly rise from the dead as I prophesied to them several times. Take time to come to the Holy Week services so you can walk with Me at the Stations on the way to Calvary.”
Source: ➥