Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you can see the parallels of the evil society of Jeremiah’s day with your own evil society of today. You know My Commandments, and I have asked your people many times to stop your abortions and repent of your sins. Just as in Jeremiah’s day, the people then did not listen to his words, nor are the people of America listening to My words. The more significant parallel is how Israel was defeated as a punishment, and America also will fall as a punishment for its sins. Israel was exiled in Babylon for over seventy years. Now, I will allow the one world people to take over America because your sexual sins and abortions are calling for My justice. You have your prison system to atone for people’s crimes, but I also have My ways of exacting My justice when people are defiant of My laws. I have given your people many extensions of time to change, but you are only getting worse in your sins. My punishment has to come, and you are seeing signs of the end of America’s reign as you know it.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, these two spotlights represent how your government and the one world people want to know all of your movements and associations. You have smart cards, chipped passports and driver’s licenses, Easy passes, and cell phones with chips that allow people to follow you. Even your bank records, charge card patterns, and telephone records are known by the police, and other government agencies. You are seeing the beginnings of total control over your citizens that will bring on mandatory chips in the body. Refuse these chips that could control your free will.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an investigation of the use of drones in America to track terrorists and drug smugglers. What has some Congress people upset, is the possibility of drones killing any American citizens. This could be used to eliminate political opposition, or for persecuting Christians or patriots, who are the targets for the one world people. Pray that everyone’s rights will be protected.”
Jesus said: “My people, now that the chair of St. Peter is vacant, the College of Cardinals will soon convene a conclave to elect a new Pope. Pray for their deliberations as they call on the Holy Spirit to help choose a new Pontiff. This is a major event, and it is important for the Pope to lead My people in faith and morals.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing one financial crisis after another. Your Congress has to authorize the spending of your budget up to October, which is the end of the fiscal year. They also need to raise the National Debt Ceiling. These issues have caused gridlock in the past. Pray that you could see a bipartisan agreement on running your government in a responsible manner. Each political party wants to have control over what is decided.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuing set of disasters from tornadoes in the South and snow storms in the Northeast. Some have lost their homes to wind and flooding. These continuous storms are making it difficult to rebuild homes and restore the power outages. Pray for these people, and help them where you can with donations or physical help. These disasters have taken a toll on your national economy.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you make some penances to help you in your spiritual lives. Fasting and prayer can be a struggle over the body’s complaints. The body strives for comforts, but the soul knows that it is necessary to restrain the body’s desires that could lead to sin. The more progress you could make in your prayer life, the better your spiritual life can be. By struggling to grow closer to Me in My sacraments, you will have a profitable Lent. Look at your progress in Lent so far, and keep faithful to your devotions, penances, and almsgiving.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a strong need to pray for priestly vocations, and that the clergy remain faithful to their vocations. Some people have had an opportunity to make donations for educating priests in the seminary and to provide facilities for retired and aging priests. You need the priests for Mass and the distribution of the sacraments. These clergy need your physical and spiritual support, so keep them in your daily prayers.”
Source: ➥