Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013:(St. Cyril & Sts. Methodius, Valentine)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of ever flowing water represents how I am constantly pouring out My graces on My people to help them in life. The millstone grinds the wheat into flour which is used to make the bread that the priest consecrates into My Body and Blood at the Mass. My Eucharist is also shared with My people at every Mass. In My tabernacle I am always available to you both to worship and console you in your daily trials. Coming to daily Mass could be a nice addition to your Lenten devotions. Remember to make a little extra time for Me in your days of Lent by praying your ‘Imitations of Christ’, your Lenten books, Pieta prayers, or your Liturgy of the Hours. Fasting and offering up some penances can help you make this Lent fruitful for your spiritual life. Also make an attempt to help people around you who are in need of your assistance. All of your good works will store up treasure for you in heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching the drama going on with over 3,000 people on a cruise ship where the engines stopped and there was no electricity. The people had no lights but emergency lights, food and water were scarce, and the bathrooms were not working. My people on land have experienced power outages when many of your comforts were not working. You have had to use wood fireplaces and kerosene burners for heat. These experiences are preparing you for your time at My refuges when you may have little heat in the winter and no air conditioning in the summer. Most refuges will not have electricity, and all of your needs will be more difficult to find. You may have lamp light, deer for meat, and daily Communion from My angels. The refuge time will be your purgatory suffering on earth.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are now seeing the beginning of a battle in Congress over carrying out the cuts that were voted on last year. One side is pushing legislation to stop the cuts, while the other side wants the cuts to go through. While the sequester cuts are being blamed for possibly causing a recession, there is an exaggeration of these effects when budgets have risen 30% in the last several years. Without some cuts and reform, America’s deficits will continue to increase your National Debt. Pray that your Congress will make the right choices for your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, this election of another Pope is an unusual event in My Church since most Popes have not resigned. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide the Cardinals in their choice of another Pope.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of you viewed the two lightning strikes on the dome of the Vatican hours after Pope Benedict announced his coming resignation. Tomorrow there is an asteroid that will come within 17,000 miles of the earth. Comets will come by the earth in March and December of this year. All of these events could be taken as omens of things to come. I have warned My faithful to have some food on hand for any shortages, and to have a backpack ready to leave for My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My son, keep working on the preparations for your DVD and continue praying your novena prayers to St. Therese for help in protecting you from any demon attacks. Time is growing short for your evangelization efforts, and you need to work on converting souls as much as you can. Lent is a good time to encourage people to repent of their sins in Confession. Once your DVD is ready, you could start spreading copies to all the people who will accept them.”
Jesus said: “My people, this Scripture of Jonah is a good lesson for Lent. Jonah was given a mission to warn Nineveh that in forty days that town would be destroyed if it did not repent. Once he delivered God’s message, the ruler of that town relented, and everyone had to put on sackcloth and ashes to show God that they were changing their lives. Once I saw that the people were truly repenting of their sins, I discontinued My plan to destroy Nineveh. This is a good lesson for America and other countries where the people also need to repent and stop their abortions and sexual sins. If America does not repent, the one world people will be allowed to take over your country. Pray for sinners and for your country to turn away from its sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are just getting used to your fasting and Lenten devotions that can help you spiritually to change your life’s habits. By making acts of self-denial, and truly making Me the Master of your lives, you can make strides to improve your holiness. It is your soul that lives on past this life on earth. It is important to keep your soul pure so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment. Use this Lenten time to change your lives of sin back to lives of holiness so you can be closer to Me.”
Source: ➥