Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012: (St. Andrew & companions)
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of a circling green cloud, you are seeing another representation of My coming Warning. You are living in the end times and you are reading about the Book of Revelation where the two prophets were ruling over the world. Moses and Elijah were present at My Transfiguration which was a preview of My Resurrection. Now, the two prophets in Revelation are returning in the end times. You will be experiencing My Warning which will be a preview of your final judgment. You will see your life reviewed with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. After this life review, you will see a judgment to heaven, hell, or purgatory. You will experience your destination briefly, and if you do not improve your spiritual life, this will be where your life is leading you. You will be returned to your body to improve your life. Now, your eyes will see clearly as to how you are offending Me with your sins, and you will be held more accountable for your sins because of your increased knowledge. The Warning will be a blessing for most sinners to repent and change their lives, but some will still reject Me. This will be the time to evangelize your family members to return to their original faith, or they could be lost if they do not change. Keep praying for these souls that they could be saved from hell.”
(Christ the King) Jesus said: “My people, this is the last Sunday of the Church Year, and you are celebrating My Kingship in heaven. The Bible describes how I will come on the clouds to bring judgment on the people of the earth. There will be false christs that will try to deceive the people, but do not follow them. There will also be an Antichrist dressed as an Arab who will claim to be the Man of Peace. Be careful not to look at his eyes because he could cause people to worship him with his demonic powers. This is why I told you after the Warning to get rid of your TVs and your computers so you do not look at his face. I will come in glory on the clouds with love, but the Antichrist comes with hate and demanding obedience to worship him. Do not be deceived by the false christs. I love you all, and this is how you will recognize Me because of My manner of love.”
Source: ➥