Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, October 1, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012: (St. Therese of Lisieux)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s reading about how I allowed Satan to destroy Job’s possessions and his family, is all about how Job reacted to these trials. You have heard the expression of how something was enough to ‘try the patience of Job’. Job’s reaction was that I have given him much, and I can take it away. He came into the world naked, and he will leave the same way. This is true of all people because all that you have has come from Me. This is why all of you need to have patience when things go badly, as a loss of a job, a loss of a family member, a sickness or cancer, or any other trial that could test your peace. Be thankful for every gift that I give you, but restrain yourself when you are tested with evil or any losses. In the vision you are seeing another trial of your Presidential election with the symbol and face of your current President. Some feel he is leading your country into socialism as well as a continued moral decay by supporting abortion and same sex marriage. For this reason some are fasting and praying novenas for him to lose. These same people think their patience is being tried by his grab for power and control over them. America is at a crossroads of choosing a continuing path to socialism and communism, or to return to your forefather’s roots of a democratic republic. Your people need to understand that total government control will lead to bankruptcy with the disappearance of the middle class. Communist and socialist governments do not have a middle class. If the middle class wants to survive, it will have to remove your socialist President. In the end I have told My Christian voters not to vote for candidates who support abortion and same sex marriage. Your moral order is up for election as well as your governmental direction.”
Jesus said: “My people, marriage between a man and a woman is all about the free will of each person to love the other. All of your actions are your own free will decisions, and I do not interfere with your free will. The two people in the marriage have to ask themselves if they truly love the other person. If there is not a mutual love, then it is hard for them to be true to each other. Once this bond of a love promise is broken, it is difficult to repair because trust has been broken as well. You can pray that a marriage stays together, but the spouses need to be able to trust and love each other with respect or the marriage will fall apart.”
St. Therese said: “My son, I am happy to be with you again on my feast day. You have a memory of the rose that I gave you in the jungle, and all of my spiritual messages to you. Sometimes you are rushed and a little annoyed to get some of your work done. There are times when it is difficult to have quiet time to write your messages. The Lord gave you some good advice of saying your prayers slowly, and living your life without rushing. By taking your time, you are less annoyed, and you will do a better job. These are wise words, and people who are constantly rushing really do not need to go fast just to get a job done sooner. It is also wise to make the best use of your time by following more what Jesus wants you to do than your own desires. Ultimately, you want to work the hardest on saving souls and leading them to Jesus in conversion. Continue to keep close to my Jesus in His sacraments, and follow the advice of His messages.”
Source: ➥