Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012: (The Immaculate Heart of Mary)
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, thank you for celebrating both Masses for our Two Hearts. I know it takes some spiritual endurance to be up late at night to honor both my Son and myself. You know that in everything I do, I lead you to my Son, Jesus. I am the bridge to heaven because I keep repeating the phrase that you hear: ‘To Jesus through Mary.’ All the rosaries that you pray, I give over to Jesus along with your intentions. All the love that you share with me, I share with my Son, Jesus. Now that I look back on Jesus’ remark of his wanting to be in His Father’s house, I know how much He loves His Father. Rejoice in our Two Hearts as we want to join your heart with ours at all times.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Syrian military firing shells on their own civilians. In response there are some groups fighting the military as the beginning of a civil war. Recently, there was some reporting of Russia sending attack helicopters to the Syrian government. Since Syria is a Russian client, it is much more of a delicate political situation to try and remove this dictator as in Libya. Still your ships are standing ready to go into action if they are called on. This area and the Iranian nuclear situation are both potential places for war to break out in the Middle East. Americans are weary of all the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but it is very difficult when action is taken by your President as in Libya without Congressional approval. Pray that war does not spread in this area, and that peace can come to this region.”
Source: ➥