Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, those people, who enter heaven, need to obey My laws, but they also need to be purified either in this life or in purgatory. When you make a vase, you require some painted designs and several glazes that are fire-polished. When you die, you may still have to make reparation for your sins. Purgatory is where My souls are promised one day to be in heaven, but they will spend various times being purified by fire or time until they are worthy to enter heaven. In the Gospel I am telling the people not only to guard their actions, but they also need to guard their thoughts. I look into the heart where you have your intentions both for your actions and your thoughts. Avoid situations where you perform actions for show, but deep down you have the opposite motives which can be sinful. Say yes when you mean ‘yes’ and no when you mean ‘no’. All other thoughts can lead you into sin. Show love in your heart at all times, and I will see your intentions, and reward you for your efforts.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at the blooming roses, each rose has its own uniqueness. Just as you see the beauty of My creation in the plants, so there is a duel beauty when you look at different peoples. My people are made of body and soul, and each can have a beauty of its own. You are My creations, and I give you life so you can bloom in your good works and your love of Me and your neighbor. It is this harmony that I put in nature that I wish to see in your society. You all care for one another when you see someone in need of food, clothing, or shelter. Think more of sharing what you have than keeping it just for yourself.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you a model for a loving marriage in Adam and Eve. I have considered My Church as My bride, and I am the groom. Love is everything in heaven, and this is why even My Commandments are modeled on love of God and love of neighbor. I have made you male and female for the procreation of mankind, and it is from the marriage of a man and a woman that you bear children in a loving environment. This plan of marriage should be the nuclear units of your society that keep people together in the family.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the child’s early years he or she seeks the love of the parents, and a proper relationship can shape a child’s personality. The parents need to nurture and teach their children both what is needed to survive in life and in their souls. Parents need to help them in their faith so they can love and serve Me. If children are not given sufficient love, this can create problem children in your society. Love is a personal relationship that parents can bring to their children, and the children know when it is sincere and heartfelt. Loving families are much happier in each other’s presence than when there is division.”
Jesus said: “My people, My Gospel accounts show you many ways in which I showed you My love in My actions. You see how I love My Father in heaven and the Holy Spirit. You saw how I protected and taught My apostles out of love. You saw how I loved Lazarus so much and his family that I wept at his death, and later raised him from the dead. Most of all I showed you all My love when I suffered a scourging and the crucifixion on the cross so My shedding of blood is a ransom for your souls from sin. In becoming a man I know all the pains and trials of life that each of you are going through. I ask only that you love Me in return by imitating My life of holiness.”
Jesus said: “My people, you first see love when parents reach out to help their children. As you grow older, you see people in need of the necessities of life. It is this desire to help others out of love that you help in distributing food, share your clothes, and at times help people to find a place to live. This is brotherly love when you desire to help people through their problems. You feel more love in sharing your money, your talent, and your faith, than just helping yourself.”
Jesus said: “My people, your prayers to Me are really a way of showing Me your love. By living your life as a constant prayer, you are united with Me in all that you do out of love. You also can show your love for others by praying for them in their work, their sicknesses, and even in death by praying for their souls. Love is a beautiful way of expressing your feelings for Me and for others. Call on My help and My graces in all of your life’s needs.”
Jesus said: “My son, it is true that I have given you several glimpses of what heaven is like. You described it as being one with Me in total peace and love. Your beatific vision of Me is so beautiful and inspiring, that you have difficulty in expressing this feeling in words. You did not want to leave, but I wanted you to share this experience with others. Living in total love with the God who loves you is far better than even thinking of living in hate in the fires of hell. If you truly desire to be with Me in heaven, then show Me your love and your love of Me in others.”
Source: ➥