Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, June 1, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012: (St. Justin)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel has many teachings for your soul. The first lesson is about the fig tree, as My faithful also need to bear fruit. Because it was not the season for figs, it did not bear fruit. But My faithful need to do good works for people even when it is outside of your comfort zone, or when you see a need without being asked to help. I cast the money changers out of the Temple, not only because they were cheating the people, but they were doing it in My Father’s house in defiance of respect for God. I told them that My zeal for My Father’s house also drove Me to protect it. When I talked of prayer, I told people to have faith that I would answer their prayer requests. You know that I can do the impossible, so pray with the belief that I can perform miracles. I also asked you to forgive others of any offenses against you, and My Father would forgive you your offenses. But if people do not forgive others from their heart, then they may suffer a longer time in purgatory for holding grudges beyond the grave. Rejoice that you have been given My practical answers for how to live your lives on earth, so you can be prepared for your judgment when you die.”
Jesus said: “My people, at times rain seems like an inconvenience when you want to work in your yard. But once you have had a drought or a long time without rain, you welcome an all day rain. Even when you have been working for a long time, you look forward to a cold drink to moisten your parched mouth. In a spiritual way some people have suffered a dark night of the soul, or some may have been traveling without time to visit Me in Adoration. Your soul can be parched from a lack of not being able to come before My Blessed Sacrament. When you come to Me in Communion or before Me in My tabernacle, I can refresh your soul with My grace. I call souls who are labored or weary, and I will give them rest. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. Keep close to Me, and I will nurture your soul so you can carry on with your mission. Whenever you are afflicted with life’s trials, call on Me and My angels, and we will comfort your spirit with My peace.”
Source: ➥