Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012: (Pentecost Sunday)
God the Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of love and life. You are all temples of Mine because I give life to your soul. God the Father’s love for God the Son generates the Third Person in Me. You have understood My Presence in the signs of the white dove, a blowing wind, and the flames of fire. I bestowed My seven gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, piety, knowledge, and fear of the Lord on the apostles. By My grace they also were given gifts of speaking other languages and healing gifts. They were given the words to speak in gaining converts to the faith. Even in your own mission, I give you the words to speak at your talks, and I am there when you ask for healing of the people who you are praying for. In addition to these gifts, I also bestow the gift of prophesy on various souls who are led to be missionaries and evangelists. Be grateful for My many gifts, and keep calling on Me to help you in your mission.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating Memorial Day for all the servicemen who died in your various wars over the years. Wars are always upsetting people’s plans, and some service people return with injuries or trauma, if they return at all. Many service people are scarred for life by their wartime experiences. Even though you are remembering the service people who died, you also need to thank those who suffered in their health from their time at war. Many of your soldiers had to make great sacrifices so America could maintain its freedoms. Treasure your freedoms that many had to die to protect them. Pray for the souls of all of your service people for both those who are still living, and for those who have died.”
Source: ➥