Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, May 4, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, man has been very prolific in the many cities and buildings that he has made. Do not get so wrapped up in your business enterprises that you leave Me out of your life. I know that you have earthly concerns to provide for your families in their needs, but you have spiritual needs for your souls as well. In the Gospel, St. Thomas asked Me to show him the way to God the Father. That is when I told him: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me. When My people come to Me in their Warning experience, I will give these same words to everyone. It does not matter what you believe in your religions because you can only come to heaven through Me. That is because I paid the ransom for every soul. Once you come back into your bodies after the Warning, you will have an opportunity to praise Me, and follow Me in all that you do. You will have a burning desire to repent of your sins in whatever way that you can. For Catholics it is in Confession that you are forgiven and cleansed of your sins. If you imitate My life and obey My Commandments, you will be on the right path to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen gold and silver refined in an earthly setting, but I want to see My faithful souls purified in a spiritual setting. You all have souls, as you are made up of body and soul as a human being. I love your souls, and I desire to save as many souls for heaven that will love Me in return. You all are weak to sin because of your fallen nature, but I have given you My sacrament of Penance so you can cleanse your sins. I have also given you an opportunity for plenary indulgences with My Divine Mercy. If people die and they still have reparation due to make up for their sins, there is also purgatory to purify your soul. With all of these means available to refine your impurities of sin, then you need to take advantage of My gifts in order to gain heaven. By prayers, good works, and obedience to My Commandments, you can be set on the right path to heaven. I can purify souls when they seek My forgiveness and repent of their sins. I will always accept a repentant sinner back into My good graces. Seek to love Me always, and you will have your reward with Me in heaven for all eternity.”
Source: ➥