Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, April 9, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, after Easter Sunday your readings will focus on the accounts of My early Church in the Acts of the Apostles by St. Luke. You are now in the Easter Season that will last up until Pentecost Sunday. St. Peter was announcing My Resurrection, even though the authorities of My time did not want to accept that I rose from the dead. The Holy Spirit enabled My apostles to speak in various languages, and He gave them the courage to evangelize souls in My Name. Even though they risked their lives to speak out, they still continued to spread My Good News. My faithful of today also need to take courage from the Holy Spirit and spread My Good News to all the nations. Reach out to preach My Resurrection, and invite souls into My Church to have eternal salvation. You have been given My gift of faith, and you need to share your gift with as many souls as you can.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have talked to you before about the importance of fresh water for man’s survival. The cheapest source of fresh water comes from rainfall that you can collect and filter. Other fresh water comes from wells and aquifers. Even your Great Lakes contain 20% of the world’s fresh water. My message today is concerned with people who exploit free water for their own monetary gain. You have seen one freshwater plastic bottling company that relies on an aquifer that runs into Lake Michigan. They barely filter the fresh water, and they make millions of dollars selling it to all countries. Other people try to buy water rights to big aquifers in the Midwest, much like they buy oil rights to properties. When you have to distill or use membranes to purify salt water, water becomes much more expensive. This is done on ships or in arid places where it is too expensive to ship water in bulk. Be aware that storing water is also a part of your preparations for the tribulation, not only for drinking, but for using it to reconstitute dried foods. Everyone requires fresh water daily, but if you cannot readily obtain water, then you have a threat to your survival without a backup supply. This is also why all of My refuges need an independent source of water for survival as well. If necessary I will miraculously provide springs of water for your needs. Be thankful that there is plenty of water available, even if it requires purifying.”
Source: ➥