Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, March 2, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, when you look into the sky on a clear night, you are awestruck by the immensity of My creation of the universe and all of its stars. Your sun is just one of many stars in your own galaxy. In other ways you appreciate beautiful landscapes at sunrises and sunsets. You view the beautiful spring flowers and fall leaves. Even when you look at your own bodies, you see how you are wonderfully made, and everything is made originally perfect in My eyes. It is man’s pride that has deformed things with the manipulation of the DNA that I made perfectly. When you look at the animals and plants, they all give glory to Me in their very existence. I have made mankind in My image in giving you free will to follow My mission for your life, or your own way. If you follow Me, then you will be giving glory and worship to Me out of love. You can be in harmony with all of My creation, or you can reject Me. This is your choice. I prefer My creatures to come to Me out of love because I love all of you whether you are with Me or not. There are consequences though of your decisions. If you abide by My Commandments and allow Me to be the Master of your life, then you can be assured of a place in heaven with the One who loves you. If you reject Me, and disobey My laws of love, then you are on the broad road to hell where you could live in torment forever in hell with the devil who hates you. Heaven and hell are your only choices, so lead your life accordingly. I struggle every day to save souls from hell, but I cannot force them to love Me. The devil also is struggling to steal souls away from Me through his lies and temptations. This is the battle for souls and you would prefer to be in My territory of love, rather than the devil’s territory of hate. Fight to save your soul and the souls around you so you can be with Me in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the three matches being struck to produce a flame is a sign that I want My faithful’s hearts to be set on fire with a burning love for God the Father, Myself, and God the Holy Spirit. When you read the Scriptures and when you receive Me in Holy Communion, your hearts should be burning with love for Me. You remember My disciples on the road to Emmaus after My Resurrection, how they listened intently to all the Scriptures that foretold My coming and suffering. (Luke 24:32) ‘Was not our heart burning within us while He was speaking on the road and explaining the Scriptures to us.’ Many faithful would have liked to be with Me on that road to listen as well. I want My disciples to be constantly in love with Me, and show that love in your actions by helping people. You are a live, living being, so you should be active in evangelizing souls for My Kingdom. I want My faithful fired up so you are not like the lukewarm who are not active at all. (Rev. 3:16) ‘But because thou are lukewarm, and neither cold not hot, I am about to vomit thee out of My mouth.’ Without good works in your hands, you will find it difficult to get to heaven. So put your faith to work in your actions. Show people, that you love Me so much, and you want to share your love for Me with all those people that you meet. By being on fire with love in your hearts for Me, the Holy Spirit will lead you to accomplish great things for My Church.”
Source: ➥